My Father's Land
Papa Jah, a humble gardener, has lived in the Bahamas for 40 years. He returns to Haiti to see his 103 years old father and reunite with the land he left.
Miquel GalofreDirectorSongs Of Redemption, Art Connect, Hit Me With Music, Why Do Jamaicans Run So Fast?
K. Tyler JohnstonDirector5 Bones
K. Tyler JohnstonWriter5 Bones
Miquel GalofreWriterArt Connect
K. Tyler JohnstonProducer5 Bones
Miquel GalofreProducerArt Connect, Songs Of Redemption, Hit Me With Music, Why Do Jamaicans Run So Fast?
Papa JahKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Social, travel, caribbean, immigrants, Haiti, Bahamas, Cuba, DR
Runtime:1 hour 3 minutes
Completion Date:September 20, 2015
Production Budget:100,000 USD
Country of Origin:Bahamas
Country of Filming:Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti
Language:English, French, Spanish
Shooting Format:HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Trinidad & Tobago Film FestivalTrinidad & Tobago
September 18, 2015
Amnesty International Human Rights Award -
Black Montreal Film FestivalMontreal
October 3, 2015 -
Fort Lauterdale Film Festival
Iphais FIlm Festival
Harlem Film Festival
Black LA Film Festival
Tornonto Balck Film Festival
Panama International FIlm Festival
Belize Inernational Film Festival
Green Screen Film Festival
Southway Film Fest
El Ojo Cojo International Film Fest
Bronx International Film Festival
Chicago Caribbean Film Festival (CCFF)
Broken Knuckle Film Festival
Blackbird Film Fest
VIII Naples Human Right Film Festival
Martinique Film Festival
Island House Film Festival
Miquel Galofré (Barcelona) is a multi-award winning filmmaker based in the Caribbean.
After 20 years traveling the world producing TV programs, he jumped to film documentaries.
He directed the internationally acclaimed trilogy of Jamaican documentaries:
Miquel’s documentaries have won awards all over the world, “Songs of Redemption” was awarded with the ‘best documentary’ in KRAKOW last year.
His last documentary, “ART CONNECT” (2014) was filmed in Trinidad & Tobago where he lives.
He is currently working in a documentary in Haiti called “My Father’s Land” (2015).
He has his own style, his eye sees beauty everywhere and he likes to catch and play with emotions and music.
Miquel also works doing commercials, videos and photos.
You can check his work at
“I’ve loved to play with cameras since I was a child and to ‘capture the heart’ is my passion.”