"El Gringo Schindler"
The dual story of the technical side of the immigration system as carried out in Dallas TX and the harsh consequences it has on families and the work of a community based immigration organization that has no attorney on staff nor is accredited. The documentary explores the work of the Isenberg Center for Immigration Empowerment (ICIE) and how they succeed where others fail.
Ralph Isenberg (Executive)Director
Joe de la Fuente / JR Media CompanyDirector
Ralph Isenberg & Joe de la FuenteWriter
Ralph Isenberg (Executive Producer)Producer
Joe de la FuenteProducer
Ralph Isenberg (Executive)Editor
Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. (Senior)Editor
Anthony QuinnEditor
Joe de la FuenteNarrator
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Real Life Documentary with Short Dramaizations
Runtime:1 hour 28 minutes
Completion Date:December 15, 2014
Production Budget:25,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:HD (1920 x 1080)
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Ralph Isenberg is the El Gringo Schindler. Isenberg has no formal filmmaking experience. After successful careers in hotel & restaurant management and commercial real estate development, Isenberg turned his attention to immigration reform. His efforts derive from heritage and experience. The oldest son of refugees from Nazi Germany, Isenberg learned from an early age to be mindful of the plight of others. A life-changing experience with extreme family separation of his own transformed Isenberg into a protagonist whose activism has benefited scores of foreign national families in need. With no legal training, Isenberg can make the most complex arguments to those that oppose the reforms he seeks for others. The efforts put forth by El Gringo Schindler are unpredictable as he strives to make those he opposes feel uncomfortable.
When the government sought to restrict the advocacy work of Isenberg, he started making films. His documentaries are both informative and dramatic. He films in real-time whenever possible. Isenberg features the people he is helping as part of recreation scenes. Isenberg plays an active role in each of his films. His films encourage social change and educate the populous about immigration wrongs.
"It has been my humble honor to save one starfish at a time in hopes that humanity will one day cease to stumble upon a beach of starfish in need." Ralph Isenberg is El Gringo Schindler
"It is right. It is wrong. Then there is the right thing to do." unknown
"The rest is silence" William Shakespeare from Hamlet