40 NORTH Dance Film Festival aims to bring dance and artistic filmmaking to a broader audience while providing a platform for dance and film artists to share their voices in a broader context, inspiring movers and filmmakers, alike.
The 5th annual 40 NORTH Dance Film Festival – currently open for submissions – will be held in San Diego, California, October 2019.
40 NORTH Dance Film Festival is open to films at any length, especially those that utilize a breadth of different filmic and dance styles or techniques to display movement using the screen or frame as a stage.
Different criteria for the films chosen to be presented in 40 NORTH include: quality of image, sound, choreography and dance; with attention on camera choreography and innovative use of editing techniques.
By selecting and screening a wide range of film and dance styles, 40 NORTH aims to raise the question and explore “What makes dance?” and/or “What constitutes dance-film?” while exploring how new media outlets and technologies can apply to and collaborate together to promote the evolution of dance as an art form.