Broken Chains (Derrotas Cadeans)
"Autoconvocadas y autogestivas, las murgas independientes de La Matanza se caen y se levantan incansablemente para continuar con su proyecto artístico, social y comunitario. Afrontando las diversas prohibiciones y censuras, construyen colectivamente un espacio de pertenencia y de integración social que excede la alegría y el color del carnaval."
"De formation spontanée et autogérées, les murgas indépendantes de La Matanza luttent inlassablement pour développer leur projet artistique, social et communautaire. Se heurtant aux prohibitions et aux censures, elles construisent collectivement un espace d'appartenance et d'intégration qui va au delà de la joie et des couleurs du carnaval."
"Born from a spontaneous gathering and self-managed, the independent murgas of La Matanza are tirelessly struggling in order to develop their artistic, social and communitarian project. Standing against prohibitions and censorship, they are collectively building a place of membership and integration, which goes beyond the carnival' colors and joy."
Sebastian CamachoDirector
Sebastian CamachoWriter
Tomas DuplattProducer
Louis HanquetDirector of photography
David KajmanSound
Project Title (Original Language):Derrotas Cadenas
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:December 1, 2014
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Festival RecLa Plata, Argentina.
June 2, 2015
Competicion Latinoamericana -
BAFISU film festivalBuenos Aires, Argentina
April 21, 2015