Experiencing Interruptions?

For the Kids of Paarl

Award winning film maker S. Kramer Herzog's "Kids of Paarl" conveys a harshly authentic view of children themselves who are caught up in the middle of situations they did not create, ask for or control.. These youngsters are simply and sadly victims of economic stress and political injustice. To bring some joy to the kids, money was raised in San Francisco, California, equipment was shipped overseas and a playground was built in Paarl, South Africa,

Additionally shipped were 340,000 meals -- enough to feed 340 children for a full year.

  • S. Kramer Herzog
    Eye of The Storm, San Quentin Inside
  • Pam Cook, Fox News, Heidi Herzog
    I Remember Mo Mi
  • S. Kramer Herzog
    I Remember Mo Mi, Lost Art of IPU, San Quentian Inside
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Short
  • Runtime:
    7 minutes 10 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    July 31, 2015
  • Production Budget:
    5,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    South Africa, United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • SENE Festival, Providence, RI
    SENE Festival, 131 Fruit Hill Ave #10, Providence, RI
    Best Documentary Short
Director Biography - S. Kramer Herzog

Herzog has won numerous awards for previous documentaries he's made, including "San Quentin Inside," which documents the prison's sports program, and "I Remember Mo-Me," a tribute to San Anselmo, CA, resident Mozart Kaufman, a World War II hero and Herzog's surrogate father.
But "Eye of the Storm" has helped him realize a lifelong dream. “Eye of the Storm,” the 15-minute documentary, has reaped Herzog the CreaTV’s best producer award for 2012, the “Citizen Journalism” award for best short documentary at the Lighthouse International Film Fest, "Best Short Documentary" at The SENE International Festival in 2014 and was named by the Hometown Awards best independently produced documentary for community media programming in 2012.
"For the Kids of Paarl" won the best documentary in the Western United States and the best documentary in the New Jersey Film Festival in May, 2016

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