the oneness
The art video is a retrospective journey through life, searching for my connectedness to the natural world; from the time of being in a mother womb till death. I was working for the first time with all together 4 classical elements : water, air, fire and earth. How do we experience them in different stages of our life?
The four elements in my video are an excuse to reflection on different subject - life and death.. What is death? Who am I beyond name and form? Do I have to understand death first to to able to understand life..?
Karolina NieduzaKey Castdirector, camera, cast, editor, Polish nationality
John CartwrightKey Castsound editor - British nationality
Ity OlgaKey Castsecond camera Russian nationality
Stasha ClarkKey Castchild cast British nationality
Project Type:Other
Runtime:5 minutes 19 seconds
Completion Date:February 12, 2015
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:digital
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes