WANDERING is a horror drama by independent writer/director Andrew Compton, starring Finn Cresswell, Nathan Stafford-King, and Nathan Carr. The film revolves around James Alden, a young man who struggles to cope with the passing of his father, and his new surroundings as he and his mother move to a new hometown. Desperate to avoid such bitter loneliness, James befriends a loner in the common after they seem to share mutual outlooks on the world - however, as time goes on, his actions become grave mistakes; and unveil the truth behind the lonely and paranoid world he now lives within.
Andrew ComptonDirector
Andrew ComptonWriter
Andrew ComptonProducer
Finn CresswellKey Cast
Nathan CarrKey Cast
Nathan-Stafford KingKey Cast
Dawn LimbuKey Cast
Dawn LimbuMake-Up
Andrew ComptonCinematography and Editing
Project Type:Feature
Genres:Horror, Drama
Runtime:1 hour 17 minutes 19 seconds
Completion Date:June 8, 2016
Production Budget:1,000 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:Digitial
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No