3 Wheeling
3 Wheeling is a Manx observational documentary film charting the sidecar class at the 2016 Isle of Man TT. The film used hidden cameras and lavalier microphones to capture an insight into the sport's highest-profile competitors, Dave Molyneux and Tim Reeves. The film takes a compelling look at the roles of their team managers Andy Faragher and retired world champion Klaus Klaffenböck respectively.
The film was financed and distributed by Beaumanx Productions and was shot in association with North One Television, Blue Olive Productions and the Isle of Man Government. It received a limited theatrical release in Northern Ireland, Germany and the Isle of Man, and was released on home media in May 2018.
Nathan Russell-RabyDirector
Nathan Russell-RabyWriterSolace in Wicca
Chris BeaumanProducer
Dave MolyneuxKey Cast
Tim ReevesKey Cast
Klaus KlaffenböckKey Cast
Andy FaragherKey Cast
Patrick FarranceKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:motorsports, drama, documentary, racing, sports, epic
Runtime:1 hour 41 minutes
Completion Date:May 6, 2017
Country of Origin:Isle of Man
Country of Filming:Isle of Man
Shooting Format:Canon SLR
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No