Wolves and Humans-A new story of coexistence
We are writing and living a new story of coexistence with our wild lands and animals. The wolf is an endangered creature in today's society that was raised on "Little Red Riding Hood" and the "The three little pigs and the big bad wolf".
Yet the wolf is gaining in the hearts of many. What makes coexistence between humans, livestock and wolves possible? Why do we all belong in the web of life?
Elke DuerrDirectorStories of Wolves-The Lobo returns, Preserving Beauty-My environmental hero
Elke DuerrWriterSame as above
Wild Wolf FilmProducersame as above
N/AKey CastN/A
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Other
Runtime:10 minutes 55 seconds
Completion Date:August 23, 2014
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:1920x1080 Apple ProRes22
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Elke is a bi-national filmmaker, public speaker, educator, photographer and story teller and the founder and director
of the nonprofit Web of Life Foundation W.O.L.F.. She teaches and lectures widely on
the importance of predators in the ecosystem and the preservation of the Web of Life,
and fosters a healthy coexistence between wilderness and civilization and the
reconnection of humans to the natural world. Her favorite classes are with children as
she loves to debunk myths and preconceived notions about our animals and natural
world and revolutionize the way we see and experience nature.
Just recently, Ms. Duerr completed a short film about our endangered river otters which
was screened at the New Mexico Film Festival and received the Aldo Leopold
Southwest Legacy film award in the category of best adult short film for her film
“Preserving Beauty”.
Her full-length documentary “Stories of Wolves-The Lobo returns” premiered in Santa
Fe, New Mexico in October of 2011 and she currently presenting film screenings and
outreach talks in the US and Europe.
We all belong in the web of life. No exceptions. Ever since I was a child I have been deeply connected to nature and her creatures. Now is the time to give back and be a voice for the voiceless animals and earth and to preserve the vanishing wildness inside and outside of us.