In life, every problem has a second perspective to look at it.
Rina 27years old single mother, who is also known as a prostitute from society's point of view. Prostitutes are the objects of society's enjoyment but at the same time they are a very inferior group in social policy. Jaya is 6 years old, Rina's only daughter. Rina wants her daughter to live a normal life like every child does.
Mamunur RashidDirector
Abu Nadim AntuDirector
Mamunur RashidWriter
Mamunur RashidProducer
Abu Nadim AntuProducer
Razia Sultana AyrinKey Cast"Reena"
Ayesha Arifin ArshiKey Cast"Jaya"
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:5 minutes 21 seconds
Completion Date:April 6, 2016
Production Budget:30 USD
Country of Origin:Bangladesh
Country of Filming:Bangladesh
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh