「2025嘉義市國際三分鐘影片大賽」為嘉義市主辦之國際短片競賽,英文名稱:Chiayi International Three Minutes Video Competition In 2025。擬徵集世界各地具有藝術性、原創性的當代實驗性極短片,以期臺灣能夠成為國際導演、影像創作者、藝術家等進行極短片創作及視覺藝術創作的交流平台。
The Chiayi International Three Minutes Video Competition in 2025 is an international
extreme-short film competition hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Chiayi City Government. Artistic and contemporary experimental three-minute films in all creative forms from all over the world can apply for and will be collected and screened once nominated. They shall be displayed to Taiwanese on screen and international community through internet by this platform for international directors, video creators and artists.

金獎:360,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
銀獎:300,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
銅獎:240,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳創意獎:175,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳剪輯獎:175,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳美術設計獎:175,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳音效獎:175,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳攝影獎:175,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
最佳演員獎:125,000元新臺幣/位 共1位
評審特別獎:100,000元新臺幣/位 共1位

• Golden Award: TWD 360,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Silver Award: TWD 300,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Bronze Award: TWD 240,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Creative Award: TWD 175,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Editing Award: TWD 175,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Art Design Award: TWD 175,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Sound Effect Award: TWD 175,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Cinematography Award: TWD 175,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Best Actor Award: TWD 125,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
• Special Jury Award: TWD 100,000 for each winner, with a total of 1 winner
(The final jury reserves the right to modify the titles of technical award categories as needed)


1. 主題不拘,唯不可有違反善良風俗之內容。
2. 使用動畫總長不得超過一分鐘。

報名提交內容: (提交時請務必填妥切結書並提供檔案下載連結)
1. 須提供影像劇照、作品簡介及參賽者簡介。
• 劇照:3張。
• 作品簡介:中文250字內 及 英文100字內。
• 參賽者簡介:中文200字內 及 英文50字內。
• 著作權切結書下載連結:

2. 參賽影片格式
• 片長:影片全長為03:00-03:59(影片內含片頭、影片本體及片尾)。
• 須提供無字幕版本影片及字幕SRT檔。
• 字幕:須包含英文字幕,其他語言可自行決定。
• 檔案格式:MOV 或 MP4 檔。
• 編碼:H.264。
• 影片解析度:1920x1080以上。
3. 參賽影片資格
• 參賽影片之製作完成時間需為2024年1月21日起至2025年1月20日止,若非為前述製作期程者,則視為資格不符。
4. 重要事項

1. 影片徵件:
• 即日期至2025年1月20日截止。
2. 資格審:
• 2025年1月24日公佈資格合格名單。
3. 第一階段複審:
• 邀請國內影視專家組成複審評審團,召開複審會議,評選出30部入圍名單。
• 2025年2月24日公佈入圍名單。
4. 第二階段決審:
• 邀請國內外影視專家組成決審評審團,召開決審會議,決定得獎名單。
5. 頒獎典禮:
• 2025年3月14日於嘉義市立博物館進行頒獎典禮,屆時一併公佈各獎項得主。
6. 放映會:
• 2025年3月15日、3月16日於嘉義市立博物館同步放映。

1. 參賽作品不得為其作品之重新剪輯版。
2. 參賽作品如有使用已發表之文字、訪談、影像紀錄或第三方之作品(如道具、音樂、照片等)等,須由第三方簽署著作財產權授權使用同意書,並同意主辦單位及其再授權利用之第三人於競賽期間針對授權內容進行重製、編輯、改作、發行、公開播送、公開傳輸、公開上映等非營利目的之宣傳活動使用。
3. 參賽者需為參賽作品之原創人。
4. 參賽作品須保留臺灣影展首映資格,不得抄襲、借用、拷貝、仿冒。若經查參賽之得獎影片非於本案徵件大賽為台灣首映之情形,主辦單位將取消獎金之發放,若獎金已發放,主辦單位有權進行追討。
5. 參賽作品未經機關同意不得公開刊登發表,並須簽署著作權切結書(作品無侵害他人著作權或其他權利之情事)。
6. 參賽作品如牽涉智慧財產權爭議,由參賽者自行負責,概與主辦單位無關。
7. 為確保比賽之公平、公正性,參賽者若因故未於時間內上傳參賽作品時,導致超過時間致報名未成功,主辦/執行單位有權不受理。

1. 影片一經入圍,即代表入圍者同意授與主辦單位其作品之公播權利。
2. 影片一經入圍即不得以任何理由退賽,入圍者應配合出席影展相關活動及頒獎典禮。

1. 依所得稅法第二條第七項規定,得獎金額超過新臺幣 2 萬元(含)以上之得獎者,需由執行單位代扣 10% 稅金;非中華民國國境內居住之國人(即在中華民國境內居住未達183天之本國人及外國人)不論得獎者之所得金額,需就中獎所得扣繳 20% 稅金。承辦單位將依法開立扣(免)繳憑單,另涉及所得稅法及有關其他法令規定須先行扣繳者,則依其規定辦法。
2. 得獎作品如有違反智慧財產權相關法規之情事,需退回獎狀、獎盃與獎金。
3. 得獎獎金包含換匯手續費、匯款手續費,並代扣稅金(得獎者之權利與義務第一點內容)。

1. 主辦單位及承辦單位有權於本次競賽期間,使用所有參賽作品作為宣傳活動之使用。
2. 未能遵守或提供本簡章之各項規定者,視同棄權,主辦單位得直接取消該作品之獲獎資格並不予通知。
3. 所有作品一律不予退件,請自行備份。
4. 參賽者應詳閱並同意本簡章之各項規定,如有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有隨時解釋修正之權利。

***Terms and Conditions & Copyright Statement***

Eligibility for Registration
1. Participants are not limited to age, nationality or gender.
2. Participation is open to individuals or teams.

Selection Method
I. Themes and film formats
1) All themes are welcomed but those that exceed the bounds of decency are not allowed.
2) Length of animation usage should be less than one minute.

II. Submission Requirements
***Please be sure to complete copyright statement and provide the file download link when submitting.***

1) Must provide stills from the film, a brief synopsis of the work, and a bio of the participant.
• Film stills: 3 photos.
• Introduction of work: 250 words in Chinese or 100 words in English.
• Introduction of participant: 200 words in Chinese or 50 words in English.
• Copyright Statement Download link:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wP-J4tNKteSnHada02W2zmMnYUs0DrN7?usp=drive_link

2) Format of the submitted film
• Video Duration: Should be between 3 minutes to 3 minutes 59 seconds.
(including intro, the film itself and outro).
• The original film video (subtitle-free version) and the subtitle SRT file are required.
• Subtitle: Must include English Subtitle, other languages can be determined at discretion.

• Video Format: MOV or MP4
• Code: H.264
• Image resolution: above 1920x1080

3) Eligibility of the submitted film
The production completion date of the submitted film must fall between January
21st , 2024 and January 20th , 2025. Films produced outside of this period will be
considered ineligible.

• Participants are required to upload a version of the film with English subtitles (if subtitles are needed) on FilmFreeway for the judges to review.
• Additionally, please provide a cloud link for us to download the version without subtitles and the SRT file.
• All files can be submitted together with the signed Copyright Statement.

How to Register
Register and submit through FilmFreeway before January 20th , 2025, at 23:59 pm
(Taiwan Time).

Key Timeline:
Competition Period: From now until March 14th , 2025.
1. Submission open:
• From now on to January 20th , 2025, at 23:59 pm (Taiwan Time).
2. Eligibility review:
• Preliminary list of finalists announced on January 24th , 2025
3. Preliminary review:
• Shortlist will be announced on February 24, 2025.
• Domestic film and media experts comprise the preliminary review jury, selecting 30 entries to the list.
4. Final review:
• Domestic and International film and media experts comprise the final review
jury, deliberating a final review meeting to determine the list of winners.
5. Award ceremony party:
• The award ceremony party will be held at Chiayi Municipal Museum on March 14th , 2025, and winners will be announced by then.
6. Special screening:
• Chiayi Municipal Museum will screen simultaneously on March 15-16th , 2025

Important Guidelines

Rights and obligations of participants
1. Entries must not be the re-edited versions of other works.
2. Entries are subject to the use of the published text, interviews, video record or third party works (such as props, music, photos, etc.), shall be authorized by the third-party with signed Consent for Authorized Use of Copyright and agree to the organizers and sublicense the use of the third person during the contest for the licensed content reproduce, edit, convert, distribute, publicly broadcast, public transport, public exhibition and other promotional activities of non-profit purpose use.
3. Participants must be the original creator of the entries.
4. Entries must retain their eligibility for the Taiwan Film Festival premiere.
No plagiarism, borrowing, copying, or counterfeiting is allowed. Participants must cooperate with the organizer as the rules were mentioned above. If the award-winning films has not premiered in Taiwan as part of this competition, the organizer will have the rights to cancel the prize money and qualifications of the participations. If the prize money has already been disbursed, the organizer reserves the right to reclaim it.
5. Entries may not be disclosed without the consent of authorities and shall be signed by the copyright closing statement (entries are no illegal infringement of the copyright or other rights of others).
6. Entries involving intellectual property rights disputes shall be the responsibility of the participants themselves and have nothing to do with the organizer.
7. To ensure the fairness and impartiality of the competition, participants who fail to upload their entries within the specified time frame, resulting in unsuccessful registration due to exceeding the deadline, may not be considered at the discretion of the organizer/execution unit.

Rights and obligations of finalists

1. The finalists agree to grant the organizer the right to publicly broadcast their
2. Once the film is shortlisted, it shall not be withdrawn for any reason.
The finalist shall cooperate in attending the festival-related events and awards ceremony.

Rights and obligations of winners

1. Pursuant to Article 2 of Article 7 of the Income Tax Law, those who have won prizes in excess of NT $ 20,000 (inclusive) must be deducted by the enforcement unit with a 10% tax; non-residents of the Republic of China (nationals and foreigners who have lived in the Republic of China for less than 183 days) regardless of the amount of the winner's income, 20% of the tax will be deducted from the winner's income. The undertaking unit will issue deduction (exemption) payment vouchers in accordance with the law, and those who are subject to the withholding tax provisions of the Income Tax Law and other relevant laws and regulations shall follow the prescribed methods.
2. The winning entries are subject to violations of intellectual property rights related laws and regulations, the certificates, trophies/medals, and prizes must be returned.
3. The prize money includes currency exchange fees, remittance fees, and tax deductions (as stated in the first point of the rights and obligations of the winners).

1. The organizer and the co-organizer have the right to use all the entries during the competition for promotional activities.
2. Those who fail to comply with or provide the provisions of this brief shall be deemed to be abstaining, and the organizer may directly cancel the eligibility of prizes for the work without notice.
3. All entries will not be returned. Please make your own backup copies.
4. Participants are required to thoroughly read and agree to all the provisions of this regulation. The organizer reserves the right to interpret and amend the regulations at any time.