2011: Origin of a series of emotionally ambiguous Accidents
Jorge was a doctor for the federal police during the so-called drug war in Mexico, due to the risk of his work, Jorge decides to pursuit a new university specialty, however, a sudden traffic accident changed his entire life.
Óscar Alfonso Díaz GonzálezProducer
Jorge Miranda VillagomezKey Cast
Mirna Essie Guevara AcevedoKey Cast
Diego Gibram Díaz GonzálezMusic
Project Title (Original Language):2011: Origen de una serie de Accidentes emocionalmente ambiguos.
Project Type:Animation, Documentary, Short
Genres:Documentary, Animated, Zero budget, Painting
Runtime:26 minutes 26 seconds
Completion Date:January 6, 2022
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Mexico
Country of Filming:Mexico
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:1.77:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Mixed mediums visual artist from Jalisco, focused mainly on the digital realm, enthusiast and obsessed with cinema. (Also holds a degree on economics)
Artista visual en medios mixtos, principalmente trabaja en medios digitales, originario de Jalisco, aficionade y obsesive del cine. (También licenciado en economía).