Penalty of Justice
Life is wonderful until the sportsman falls into the hands of fate and corrupted criminal system. Losing all, he does not give up: thanks to his father and good lawyer, he seeks justice at the European Court of Human Rights.
Vyacheslav (Slavik) BihunDirectorDovzhenko, Mother, Angel Town, Sanctuarium, Passion
Vyacheslav (Slavik) BihunWriter
Slavik Bihun, Yuriy ChyzhmarProducer
Bohdan Savitskyy, Roman Kotyk, Tetyana ZhuravelKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Пенальті правосуддя
Project Type:Animation, Documentary, Short
Runtime:14 minutes
Completion Date:June 24, 2014
Country of Origin:Ukraine
Country of Filming:Ukraine
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
European PremiereStrasbourg
June 24, 2014
European Premiere
n/a -
National PremiereKyiv
May 21, 2014
National Premiere
n/a -
Filmfestival goEastFrankfurt
April 10, 2014
Out of competition screening as a part of an almanac Ukraine_Voices
n/ -
6th Which Human Rights? (Istanbul, 2014)Istanbul
December 16, 2014 -
One World International Film Festival (Prague, 2015)Prague
March 9, 2015 -
Let's CEE (Vienna, 2014)Vienna
Filmfestival goEast (Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, 2014)Wiesbaden
CineDOC (Tbilisi, 2014)Tbilisi
Kinosaray Positive Film Festival (Obyrok, 2014)Obyrok
Ukraine -
Kyiv International Short Film Festival (Kyiv, 2014)Kyiv
Eastern Neighbors FF 2014 Filmhuis Den Haag (the Hague, 2014)the Hague
IndiEarth Animation Film Festival (Chennai, 2015)Chennai, India
Odessa International Film Festival (Odessa, 2015)Odessa, Ukraine
FreedomFilmFest (Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 2015)Malaysia
Kinokimeriya 2015 (Kherson, Ukraine)Kherson, Ukraine
"Baltic Trembita" Festival, Ukrainian Cinema Day (Tallinn, Estonia, September, 2015)Estonia
GOGOGFEST Contemporary Ukrainian Cinema (SUK) Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine, September 2015)Ukraine
Festival Cinéma et Droits Humains 2015, Amnesty International Paris (Paris, France, November 2015)Paris
Molodist International Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine, October-November 2015)Ukraine
Phoenix Film Festival MelbourneMelbourne
November 4, 2015 -
Goldensun Short Film FestivalMalta
Ukrainian film director and legal philosopher. Educated at leading universities in Ukraine and abroad, Dr Bihun prior to turning to filmmaking worked as a lawyer at the European Court in Strasbourg. He was later trained as film director at Sorbonne (adaptation of fiction and political cinema) and Baltic Film School. The filmmaker, active from 2013-14, shot films in Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia and France, nominated at more than 100 film festivals and celebrated with over 50 awards. He's well noted for active promotion of Ukrainian cinema. One of the founders and Supervisory Board’s chairman of the newly created Directors Guild of Ukraine. Dr. Bihun supported the release of his colleague Oleg Sentsov, by joining him for 18 days in solidarity for hunger strike. (Filmography:
Український кінорежисер і філософ права. Отримавши освіту у провідних університетах в Україні та за кордоном, В’ячеслав Бігун до заняття кіно працював юристом у Європейському суді в Страсбурзі. Пізніше він навчався як кінорежисер у Сорбонні (екранізація художньої літератури та політичного кіно) та Балтійській кіношколі. Кінорежисер, який починаючи з 2013-2014 років, фільмував в Україні, Грузії, Естонії та Франції, створив стрічки, номіновані на понад 100 кінофестивалях та відзначені понад 50 нагородами. Добре знаний активною промоцією українського кіно. Один із засновників і голова Наглядової ради новоствореної Української гільдії режисерів. В’ячеслав Бігун підтримав вимогу звільнення колеги Олега Сенцова, приєднавшись до голодування на 18 днів у знак солідарності. Фільмографія:
Based on a case of the European Court in Strasbourg, it is my first professional documentary, unexpectedly successful in terms of effect (often screened to lawyers, pupils and students), selected to over 20 film festivals worldwide (no submissions to festivals with fees). When people watched it in Ukraine for the first time, I was impressed to see them emotional and applaud. It also impressed judges and lawyers at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (where I also used to work). The film, its character, keep giving lots of inspiration. I hope it will be also appreciated by your Festival and its audience.