Experiencing Interruptions?


This dronie is the first of a series of four dronies. In this serie it’s all about discovering. First, the viewer might think that he/she sees everything at the beginning, but as the camera gets closer there is a little detail which could not be seen at first: The protagonist, in the middle of nowhere, in this dronie on the open ocean.
Usually if one thinks about areal shots, backward flying reveals the scene and gives the viewer surprises. But you can achieve the same effect the other way around. The whole dronie-series follows that concept.

  • Behind the Mask
  • Florian Fischer
  • Behind the Mask
  • Florian Fischer
  • Michael Kugler
  • Mathias Höfling
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Short, Other
  • Runtime:
    1 minute 7 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    November 26, 2014
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • NYC Drone Film Festival
    New York City, New York
    March 7, 2015
    World Premiere
    Winner Category 'Dronie'
Director Biography - Behind the Mask, Florian Fischer

'Behind the Mask' was founded in March 2014 by
Florian Fischer,
Michael Kugler and
Florian Niethammer.

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Director Statement

'Behind the Mask' is a project about passion for nature. We love to dive, fly and shoot. Along the way we observe, listen and document. The results are published as films, pictures and reports.
As soon as we are on a trip we feel like little kids playing outside, discovering something new under each stone. With new media at hand and a long builded up expertise in creating appealing media, 'Behind the Mask' we find a healthy balance in our lives.
We always tell our honest thoughts in whatever we publish.
We want to be part of the global network of creative nature enthusiasts trying to push our own limitations a bit further every time.
We intent to be polite, entertaining and transparent in our actions.
We believe that by telling our stories we can shine a light on the beauty of nature.

More about us on www.behind-the-mask.com