Human Nature
human nature
what it means to be human
evolutionary psychologists argue that much of human behavior is the output of psychological adaptations that evolved to solve recurring problems in human ancestral environments
just think of it like this
humans have an innate self-preservation instinct
now, what determines or constrains us...
well, that's what makes us human
Tamila Bilalova as Maruska
Armila Goukaeva as Adriana
Masha Silberberg as Elana
Robert Kan as Philly
written & directed by Joe Pisciotta
a madridSTREETfilm
joe pisciottaDirector
joe pisciottaWriter
joe pisciottaProducer
Runtime:7 minutes 33 seconds
Completion Date:March 17, 2013
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:mini dv
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
2013 Ft Lauderdale Int'l Film Festival
2014 TOFF
2015 Wiper Film Festival
2016 IndieWise
2017 IndieWise Convention Miami
Since 2007, madridSTREETfilms has been selected in over 150 film festivals in the U.S., online and abroad. We have aired on PBS and Public Access TV in the U.S., Europe and Africa. For independent film and commentary visit for a look at our work.