This is a special animated documentary music video by Jeffrey Pergament. TO LIFE - ANIMATED, MUSICAL, FACTUAL: PART TWO (DIRECTOR'S CUT) was created and produced on december 1, 2017 for world-wide presentation now. Music is by Keith A. Forman, BMI Songwriter and performed by his band, LIQUIDISLAND. Guest vocals by Gia warner with LIQUIDISLAND for YOU PROMISED ME, the final song in the music video soundtrack.
Jeffrey W. PergamentDirectorNever Again (Nunca Mas)
Jeffrey W, PergamentProducerNever Again (Nunca Mas)
Project Type:Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Music Video, Short, Web / New Media
Runtime:18 minutes 16 seconds
Completion Date:December 2, 2017
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
I graduated from film school in December 1974. My first 35mm cartoon trailer was screened at cannes in 1979. My animated documentary music video, NEVER AGAIN (NUNCA MAS) was a Semi-Finalist in the 2017 LOS ANGELES CINEFEST.
I have been an artist all my life. When I saw Fantasia in 1955 at 4 years of age, I told my mom I was going to m,ake the sequel. I began with hand-drawn small stick-figure flip books. My entire life's work, more than 40 years of creative fine arts efforts, is an ongoing sequel to FANTASIA.,
TO LIFE – ANIMATED, MUSICAL, FACTUAL: PART TWO DIRECTOR’S CUT VISUAL PHENOMENA STUDIO PRESENTS A MUSIC VIDEO BY JEFFREY W. PERGAMENT WITH MUSIC BY LIQUIDISLAND. I am showcasing my visual and expository art with music by LIQUIDISLAND and the inclusion of sound effects and post-production graphic arts elements. By continuing to create and produce music videos that draw attention to certain facts, such as gender inequity and inequality, abuse against all women around the world and domestically, that there currently are 150,000 homeless US Veterans in the USA!!! I hope to impact on the Federal, State and municipal governments, the local support systems and developmental services agencies, and the general public -YOU - MY VIEWING AUDIENCE - to support and enhance existing services and outreach efforts. Research shows us that most homeless US Veterans are Vietnam Era Veterans. My generation… THERE CURRENTLY ARE 150,000 HOMELESS US VETERANS IN THE USA!!! Copyright ©2017 by VISUAL PHENOMENA. Music is Copyright/Registered ©®2017 by Keith A. Forman, BMI Songwriter.