The Oven of the Prophets

In the world someone makes war, sows terror, people flee, but in the "Oven of the Prophets", Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses "(the great religions) work intensely day and night, to give these people a hope , to give them a "piece of bread".

  • Massimo Fersini
    Totem Blue
  • Massimo Fersini
    Totem Blue
  • Massimo Fersini
    Totem Blue
  • Franco Diso Pisani
    Key Cast
  • Riccardo Lezzi
    Key Cast
  • Matteo Cazzato
    Key Cast
  • Davide Donadei
    Key Cast
  • Lucio Lia
    Key Cast
  • Oladipupo Ashaolu
    Key Cast
  • Cosimo Melcarne
    photography director
    Totem Blue
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Il Forno dei Profeti
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    2 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    November 25, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    3,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Massimo Fersini

Film and television
2017 Short film "The Oven of the Prophets" Director, Writing, Production.
2017-18 In the process of writing and designing the film "My daughter is beautiful" Italian comedy,
2014 inception phase
- Fiction TV ( pilot episode ) set in Santa Maria di Leuca
- Documentary " UNDERGROUND " liquid gold mines : the processing of the oil in the tombs and modern processing
2012 Documentary " Monsignor Di Donna" Bishop of Andria 40-50 years , ( beatification ) with Francesco Giorgino (TG1Rai ) and the participation of Lino Banfi
2011 " In - Weave Freedom " written and directed by Massimo Fersini - Docu - drama set in the institutions for disabled persons of the Trinitarian Fathers dur . 43 min . ( Transmitted by Telepace )
2009/10 " TOTEM BLUE" film written and directed by Massimo Fersini . Leucasia Prod Film , SnagFilms Distribution International of Los Angeles, with Massimo Fersini , Mirko Bruno, Deborah Malatesta with the contribution Apulia Film Commission and the Salento Film Fund. Dur . 90 min .
1. Award of Excellence "creativity / originality" , the indie fest California , 2010 -
2 . The Accolade Competition 2010 California
3 . Baroque Prize Award Gallipoli Earth 's sun
4 . Award " Diamonds of Cinema" Film Festival in South - Diamond - Calabria
5 . Special Mention for Best Film " I've Seen Films ' Rutger Hauer 2010 Milan
2008 " Sapphires " Short Film Directed and screenplay from a story by Max Aub with the contribution Apulia Film Commission dur . 9 min .
2005 "Gente di mare " fiction Rai Uno - produz . Palomar ( Asst Director)
2001-2005 Director of commercials for television stations in Lazio, Umbria and Puglia
2009/14 TV Commercials of Puglia
2009/10/11 Spots and filming for Energy Festival Lecce
2008 B Pope Benedict XVI in Puglia
2007/08 Spots and filming for Fiera del Levante in Bari
2001 Spots and filming for The Night of the Taranta Melpignano
2005 Artistic Director for broadcast television comedy (circuit of Lazio)
2004 'Yellow Live "television drama Swiss (writer)
2003 'Bell'Epoker "Nico Cirasola (collab. Screenplay, Ass.te director) Dino Abbrescia and Nino Frassica
Massimo Fersini actor for:
2007 "Gente di Mare 2" Directed by Giorgio Serafini gangster role (fiction prod Palomar)
2006 "The hunters of Secrets" by Massimo Spano leading role (fiction prod. Palomar)
2006 "Le Opere e I Giorni" by Franco Brocani role Marquis de Sade
Production and Direction in the following short films and documentaries with Leucasia FILM
"Kite " With Amedeo Fusco Dur . Sec 120 (Director , Screenplay, Editing )
Organisation of cultural events and training in directing, creative writing , editing, acting with the film Leucasia ( Lecce )
1999-2002 Artistic Director of the Research Laboratory Audio - visual " METI " ADISU UNIVERSITY " LA SAPIENZA " OF ROME . A laboratory established with the aim to enhance and develop alternative courses of audio-visual communication and multimedia: My section was distinguished for the particular interest attributed to language film and TV .
They are made the following work:
" The Warehouse " dur . 20 min. (Production)
"I work here " Docu -fiction dur . 21 min . ( Directed and collab . Screenplay)
" Drunken Fury" Short Of R. Nayar ( Directed Help )
"Finally Godo ' " Linda Manganelli dur . 7 min. (Director , Screenplay, Editing )
" The Client" Short of A. Volkan (Screenplay , Direction Help )
" Claudia " Short of B. Belfort ( Assistant Director , Actor " Young love " )
1991 " Henry IV " by Pirandello Theatre Rome clock Role Arialdo
1992 " Clytemnestra and Electra " by Euripides Amphitheatre Tivoli Role Pilade
1992 "Cristoforo Colombo" De Ghelderode Spazio Zero Roma role Reporter
1993 " Life Warning " by E. Boll Piccolo Eliseo Rome Role German Spy
1991-96 Collaboration with the "Company Act " at Theatre Of Arts in via Sicily , Rome as a production assistant , assistant director , stage manager, actor in the following works:
" Il Berretto a Sonagli " by M. Lucchesi , Theatre Arts of Rome (Help Direction, production secretary on tour)
" Corruption at the Palace of Justice " U. Betti Directed By M. Lucchesi Theatre Of Arts In Tournèe Rome- Italy (Aid Director , Actor )
"What a Wonderful Evening" by J. Deval Directed By M. Parodi - Theatre Of Arts tour in Rome Italy (Aid Director, Stage Director )
1994 " American Scene " C / O Teatro Colosseo di Roma Lyrics By M. Fratti , R. Mazzucco (Director , Actor)

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