Private Project


This short film consists of seven short documentary movi es picturing, in the
bluntest way of narration, seven of the most common forms of se xual harassment taking
place in Iran today.
Rape and sexual harassment take place throughout the world in a ll cultures and religions.
This work is not a criticism on the concept or the act of rape, but rather a bitter allegory
of the victims left alone without any support in Iran.

  • Soroosh Milani Zadeh
  • Soroosh Milani Zadeh
  • Soroosh Milani Zadeh
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    11 minutes 42 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    October 30, 2017
  • Country of Origin:
    Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Country of Filming:
    Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Soroosh Milani Zadeh

Soroosh Milanizadeh, a bachelor of photography from Art and Architecture Azad University,
born in 1978, is a photographer and videography artist from Iran. He started his professional
career in 1999 and has attempted to express his social concerns, particularly the position of
women in society, ever since.
Avoiding political views or journalistic approaches in his art works, he focuses merely
on expressing his social viewpoints pondering over the relationship between humans.
All along this path, he has not confined himself to photography and has also taken advantage
of films, video arts and performances as well to express his emotions and viewpoints.
Teaching technical lighting and photography at art universities and institutes, designing
theater lighting, conducting theater, cinema and television photography, directing and
managing various artistic projects, professional photography of museum`s pieces are
of his other activities.

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Director Statement

Yes, that is right! It happens everywhere. "Rape", I mean. In America, Europe, everywhere… including Iran.

Rape in any form is outrageous and, above all, has a psychological impact. In psychology and psychological sociology, it is considered a trauma. A more important term is post-trauma which implies what measures are to be taken to decrease the suffocating effects of this impact, how to secure the victims against it and how to give them a new lease of life.

This issue has been turned a blind eye to in underdeveloped countries and particularly in religious countries. The victim is left with the fear of eternal notoriety, blame and disgrace which mutes her and her family for life.