Private Project


Aracne, a young and gifted weaver from the ancient Lydia region, challenges Minerva, the uncontested goddess of weaving.
It is the start of a battle between humanity and divinity, talent and power, inspired by the VI book of Ovidio’s Metamorphosis.
A cryptical and elegant fight takes place, divided in levels like a videogame, where the girl resists the goddess’ assaults.
Minerva, enraged by the young woman’s haughtiness, forces her into an infernal descent into her deepest self.
A lacerating clash consumes the charming Aracne, bringing her into another dimension where she meets with the Muses, the supreme ideal of Arts and Truth, who try to dissuade her from provoking the goddess.
Inside a pyramid of light, between night and day, the fates of Aracne and Minerva seem to swap for a moment. But the trap of the goddess is already set and, as it often happens in real life, the powerful defeats the talented.
Aracne, giovane e talentuosa tessitrice della Lydia, sfida Minerva, Dea indiscussa della tessitura. E’ l’inizio di uno scontro tra l’umano e il divino, tra il talento e il potere, ispirato al racconto "LA TELA DI ARACNE", tratto dal libro VI delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio.
La battaglia è una danza sinuosa, ritmata ed elegante, divisa in livelli come in un videogame, in cui la donna tiene testa alla dea. Minerva, irata dalla presunzione della giovane, la costringe a una discesa rituale negli inferi trascinandola nelle profondità del suo IO. E’ uno scontro lacerante che divora la bella Aracne, portandola in un’altra dimensione, dove si trova faccia a faccia con le Muse, ideale supremo dell’arte e della verità, che la sconsigliano di sfidare la dea. In una piramide di luce, tra notte e giorno, le esistenze di Aracne e Minerva sembrano scambiarsi. Ma la trappola della dea è ormai tesa: come spesso avviene nella vita reale, il potere conta più del talento, e a volte non dà alcun diritto di replica.

  • Ilaria Vecchio
    Director and Editor
  • Ilaria Vecchio
    Executive Production
  • Giorgia Jane Strippoli
    Key Cast
    Actress and dancer
  • Martina Ronchetti
    Key Cast
    Actress and dancer
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short, Other
  • Genres:
    Fantasy, Romance, Drama, Action, Experimental, Visual, Personal work
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    January 15, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    4,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Ilaria Vecchio

Ilaria Vecchio is a Director and Editor for Commercial Video web, social, fashion and Tv.
Graduated at the European Institute of Design (IED).
At the start of her career she worked as Director Assistant with several Italian Directors of movies and theatre.
After an internship as a Director Assistant inside a cinematographic and television production company, she attend the AfterEffects course in Milan.
Currently she is working as freelance with different communication companies between Milan and Rome, as a Filmmaker and Editor.

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