Determined to Win

Christian Drama: PG-13: Brianna Bill, a high student living with her loving parents. She is the number ranked soccer player in the area, and for years Brianna has dealing with the pressures of playing a Championship Soccer game, receiving a College scholarship from the #1 Ranked College School or just turning professional and playing for in the professional league for the Washington Panthers.

Everything is going great for Brianna, until she receives a drastic telephone call right before her soccer game, and now She must make a game time decision of either playing the championship game or leave the game meet her parents at the hospital.

Will her faith become disturb and she lose the desire to play the sport that she has been playing since the age of four or will she be Determined to Win and play the best game of life with no pressure.

  • Bernie Beale
    Torn Apart, Six+1 Friends
  • Bernie Beale
    Key Cast
    "Bernie Beale"
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Short Script, Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Bernie Beale
    Rockville Maryland
    December 8, 2017
    26 Annual Monty Award
Writer Biography - Bernie Beale

Bernie Beale is on the rise to share and create positive messages to the world. Divine Unity & Media Family & was birthed in 2011, by Bernadette Beale. I was commissioned by God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help Revive, Reclaim and Restore Families Unity in Christian Media. Her pray and desire of Divine Unity & Media is to empower Christian Artists, Directors, Producers, Distributors, and Production Companies. She is determined to always create positive, inspirational and family experiences for all, and Out of all her desire to give back to her community, which she is in the process of creating The MCB Divine Foundation, in the Maryland Area. Just watch and see another testament of a well-rounded, grounded and passionate artist that so many have come to know and love "Bernie".

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Bernie- is on the Path to Share her positive and uplifiting stories.