The Imp
While making a video diary for her husband who is in the army, a women and her young son are attacked by and Imp.
Stephen MilekWriter
Christopher K. HouseWriter
Project Type:Short Script
Genres:Horror, Found Footage
Number of Pages:8
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
GenreBlast Film Festival & Screenplay CompetitionWinchester, VA
July 30, 2018
Stephen Milek and Christopher House started Milwaukee Movie Talk Facebook page to discuss films with friends. It led to a blog and covering local film festivals. They started their own film festival in 2016. The Milwaukee Twisted Dreams Film Festival is an independent horror festival. In their down time they decided to try their hand at writing screenplays.
After years of talking about movies Stephen Milek and Christopher House decided it was time to attempt to write a film. The first screenplay they collaborated on was The Imp. A found footage screenplay made to scare you in less than 10 minutes.