10 km / h
In 1978, France created the Electric Wheelchair Football for young people with severe motor disabilities. In 1979, without any contact with France, Canada began to develop a sport called "Power Soccer" or "Powerchair Football". This sport, which at the beginning is a social insertion therapy, became, in 2005, an international competition with the birth of the International Federation of Powerchair Football Association (FIPFA).
37 years later, 8 young Canadians continue the story and represent Canada at the 2017 FIPFA World Cup. These athletes are on the quest for glory and healing.
Miguel SortoDirector
Miguel SortoWriter
La BicicletaProducer
Claude GuilbaultKey Cast"Claude Guilbault"
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:33 minutes 3 seconds
Completion Date:December 20, 2019
Production Budget:25,000 USD
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada, United States
Language:English, French
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
40th Sport film festivalPalermo
January 20, 2020
Best parasport film, Best forging film
Distribution Information
La bicicletaCountry: CanadaRights: All Rights
Miguel Sorto, “La bicicleta Prod.”, is originally from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. But now makes his home and his art in Montreal. Originally trained in international management, he decided to retrain in the arts in 2003. He formally trained in the production of electronic music (Microsufa, Barcelona), painting (Convent Sant Augustin, Barcelona) and contemporary dance (Centro Civico de Barceloneta, Spain). He is self-taught in sculpture. And most lately (2015) he graduated from "École des métiers du cinéma et la vidéo" Riviere-Du-Loup, Québec.