Karol's Message
A troubled 14 year old boy, bullied at school, discovers new strength and self confidence when his caring grandfather teaches him about the courage and faith of the young Karol Vojtila, the priest who would become Pope, John Paul II.
Martin KandraDirectorDon't Make Me Wait, Music To Your Ears, Life Triangle
Martin KandraWriterDon't Make Me Wait, Music To Your Ears, Life Triangle
Peter NunezProducerDancing With The Stars
Frantisek KovarKey CastThe Garde, Bambulka, Orbis Pictus
Zuzana MaureryKey CastPanelak, The Teacher
Lukas HudcovskyKey Cast
Eliska UrminovaKey Cast
Tomas SamkoKey CastHostage
Matus CumbalKey Cast
Kristian DrabekKey Cast
Adam LukacKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Karolovo Posolstvo
Project Type:Animation, Feature, Television
Genres:Family, Drama
Runtime:1 hour 21 minutes
Completion Date:October 17, 2016
Production Budget:30,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Slovakia
Country of Filming:Slovakia
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
School PremiereBratislava
October 26, 2016
School Premiere -
Easter PremiereBratislava
April 9, 2017
National TV
For me the story of making Karol’s Message began in Huntsville, Texas. In the summer of 2014, I had enrolled in an MA program in Social Media Platforms at Sam Houston State University. Two weeks after arriving I woke up paralyzed in bed and was taken to Huntsville Memorial Hospital, where I was diagnosed, first with leukemia and about a week later with bone cancer. There I was, alone in a foreign country, desperate to see my family for one more time. For about a month I thought I was going to die. But later tests disproved the previous diagnosis and confirmed, instead, that it was reactive arthritis that had put me in a wheelchair.
For two months I was unable to walk. Refusing to give up, I Skype with my classmates, so as not to miss out on the class curriculum. University staff members kindly took care of me and helped me through the most difficult time of my life. Needing a fresh breath of motivation I returned back home to Slovakia for Christmas. That was the last place on Earth I expected would bring me the greatest opportunity of my life. In that “little, big fairyland” began the experience which would restore my lost faith through the series of life-changing surprises.
Life is the best author!