“Limitless” is a short film by aspiring filmmakers, Kelly Menzul and Christine Bagara. Their first film conveys the toxicity of living in a cycle, as one’s limits are actually nonexistent. This film was made in hopes of challenging your boundaries and being limitless, creating adventures for yourself every day.
Kelly MenzulDirector
Christine BagaraDirector
Kelly MenzulWriter
Christine BagaraWriter
Kelly MenzulProducer
Christine BagaraProducer
Nick LawKey Cast
Anna NguyenKey Cast
Nicole PainchaudSponsor Teacher
Elijah WhoMusic
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Student
Genres:Inspirational, Motivational, Short
Runtime:5 minutes 13 seconds
Completion Date:November 16, 2017
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada
Shooting Format:DSLR
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Youth Lens Film FestivalBrampton
December 17, 2017
Distribution Information
KC FilmsCountry: CanadaRights: All Rights, Internet, Free TV, Console / Handheld Device
Canadian high school students, Kelly and Christine, are new creators aspiring to pursue the realm of filmmaking. As they continue to develop their skills in editing and videography, join them as they discover their filming identities.