Baby Jesus / Do What I Want
4th EPISODE / Music Video part of an Independent Music Video series called "Stories of a Nerd Guy". The plot narrate tragicomedy dating adventure (/disaster) of an hapless nerd guy character in his trying to get laid.
Riccardo SalviDirectorFuzzballs
Christian LonghiDirectorFuzzballs
Riccardo SalviWriter
Christian LonghiWriter
Alberto FalconeWriter
Riccardo SalviProducerPizzazz
Riccardo SalviKey CastNerd Guy
Romolo GuerreriKey CastLife Coach
Christian LonghiKey CastKiss Girl
Project Type:Music Video
Genres:Comedy, cartoon, action
Runtime:3 minutes 21 seconds
Completion Date:October 26, 2017
Production Budget:500 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:Sony a7s
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No