Groundhog Dead Intro
Groundhog Dead is an American dark comedy mini series created and written by Max Frohlinger. The show follows the events of Groundhog Day as the media gathers around to see if the groundhog sees its shadow and prolongs winter. The groundhog is infected/rabid and bites the handler unleashing the beginnings of the zombie apocalypse. The hero dies repeatedly and is reborn at the beginning of the day each time as he attempts to survive and possibly prevent the zombie apocalypse from occurring and saving his life his love and his world in the process.
Max FrohlingerDirector
Max FrohlingerWriter
Max FrohlingerProducer
Project Type:Student, Television
Genres:Si-Fi, Horror, Comedy
Runtime:1 minute 53 seconds
Completion Date:October 24, 2017
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:DSLR
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Halloween Film FestivalTampa
United States
October 27, 2017
Distribution Information
Max FrohlingerCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights
Born in Brooklyn, Max has long been influenced by not only Cinema but that "New York state of mind". Bringing that efficient yet fun mindset to his projects is of the utmost importance.
"If we're not having fun and getting it done, than why are we here?" -Max Frohlinger