Latino America Film Festival Poster
A poster with the figure of a rooster. Rooster because it represents a warrior, who are all the Latin American filmmakers, that battle to realize their films.
Student Project:No
II International Stamp Contest JapanTokyo
May 2, 1991
Excellence Award
First Name: Rock Lane
Last Name: Fonseca Alves - Brazilian Cartoonist, Ilustrator, Journalist and Architect
Address: Quadra 07 Conjunto L Casa 02 Setor Sul Zip Code: 72410412 Gama
- Distrito Federal Brazil. Phone number: 55 61 984172662
Some of the Awards: Special Prize and honorable Mention – 2016 the Second
International Cartoon and Caricature Contest – Teera - Ira
Golden Prize - China in the Eyes of Foreign Cartoon Artists – China 2015
Citation for Excellence in Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award 2008 – New York (USA) - 2008
Sandro Carlesso Prize – Marostica (Italy) -1995
Special Jury Prize on the 5th Kyoto International Cartoon Exhibition
(Japan) - 2002
Excellence Award in the 2nd Postage Stamp Design Contest - Tokyo
Japan - 1991