Otherwise Invincible
The world champion Paolo Zaffaroni , eighteen year suffer from Down syndrome. a great story , intense , total , about challenge and ransom , that reformulates the sense of ideas and words often misrepresented as " compassion or mercy .
Donatella CerviDirectorDirector
Donatella Cervi - Lorenzo VenturiniWriter
Paolo ZaffaroniKey CastAthlet (Disabled Down Sindrome)
Danilo BernasconiKey CastScubaDiving Recordman
Leo CalloneKey CastSwimming Recordman
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:14 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:August 1, 2015
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Language:English, Italian, Spanish
Shooting Format:digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
MEDIACREATIVECountry: ItalyRights: All Rights
2017 – Short Movie, “ Dive Dark Extreme”, A Shorty movies adrenaline on the world’s deep immersion record at -220 mt, performed in July 2016 In lake of Como; end editing October 2017.
2016 – Movie Film, “100 Milioni di Bracciate” 95’, with Paola Onofri, Gian Marco Tavani, William Angiuli: when swimming becomes epic undertaking, the History of Leo Callone, named “the Caiman del Lario”; in 50 years sport career, he made 100.000 km in swim, 100.000.000 of strokes (between sports enterprises: Manic Channel crossing, the Strait of Messina, circumnavigation of Lake Como…..)
Winner 1 ° Puesto Documental Internacional – Festival of Buenos Aires – Argentina, October 2017.
Nomination Sport Movies e Tv Milano 2017. October 2017
2015 – Short film, “DIVERSAMENTE INVICIBILE - DIFFERENTLY INVINCIBLE” 16‘, with Paolo Zaffaroni, Danilo Bernasconi and Leo Callone: A boy with Down syndrome world champion of swimming, is confronted with his mentors also world champions in swimming and diving.
Winner “ Gentleman Award Fair Play”– EXSPORT MOVIES TV – MILANO - Italy ;
Winner “ Mencion de Honor”– Festival of Buenos Aires - Argentina.
2015 – video of a swimming race across the lake from Bellano to Gravedona, (Leo Callone - “il Caimano del Lario - The Caiman of Lake Como”, for "Visit Gravedona";
2015 – Video to promote the area and the Town of Moltrasio ( Lake Como) for EXPO;
2015 – Video to promote the area and the Town of Argegno ( Lake Como) for EXPO;
2014 - Film-documentary, “UN LARIO DA RECORD - A record-breaking Lake Como” (35‘, with Danilo Bernasconi, Giuseppe Guin, Antonio Rossi Councillor for Sports of the Lombardy Region, Gianluca Genoni, songs by Simone Tomassini. Distributed with the newspaper “ La Provincia” for a period of one month. Participant at the International Film Festival for Sport – FICTS of Milan,
WINNER - FICTS 2014 of Milan –Special prize “ LOMBARDY REGION AWARD.
ON AIR – CLASSTV, month of December 2014.
2014 – Documentary, “L’ISOLA DAI MILLE VOLTI- the Island of many faces”, reg. S.I.A.E. sect. Dor; a tool to convey knowledge and promote a unique territory where, since ancient times, different cultures and peoples have left their marks.
2013 - Creators and producers of the TV series “LINEA D’ACQUA - Water Line”, crimes and mysteries of the lake, reg. S.I.A.E. sect. Dor., a series of ten episodes set on Lake Como, starring two detectives (inspired by famous people now gone – U. Monneret De Villard and Architect L. Mario Belloni) who investigate past and present crimes and mysteries.
2012/13 - Film-documentary, “LA MIA SECONDA VITA DA RECORD - My record-breaking second life” 50’, Paolo De Vizzi, a disabled record-holder diver: Start living again thanks to Sport. Special guests: Gianluca Genoni, Umberto Pelizzari and Patrizia Maiorca. Apulia Film Commission contribution, Sponsored by the Region of Puglia, Italian Army – sect. Folgore 185° R.A.O. A Special aired on Raitre, Rai Due, Sky Sport, Espansione TV.
SELECTED among the finalists – Festival OVERTIME – Macerata.
ON AIR – CLASSTV, month of July 2013.
2012 - Format TV pilot episode on Sustainability “GREEN ROAD”, reg. S.I.A.E. 2012;
2012 - Web platform creation, LAKE WATCHING (Como): a special way to see Lake Como and all bodies of water in general from its depths and discover its secrets, in cooperation with Proteus Association ISM (Institute for Sea Studies) - Cariplo Foundation.
2013 - Documentary, on the Absolute World Record held by Danilo Bernasconi for underwater permanence scuba-diving in the lake, for 50 continuous hours. Specials aired on Raitre, Mediaset in “ XXL”, Espansione TV.
2013 – Trailer on the record-breaking attempt of deep underwater diving, “THE DEEP MAN”, The man of the abyss; regarding Michele Geraci scuba-diving record-breaking attempt with aqua-lung breathing apparatus trying to reach 340 mt. depth.
2012 – Assistant Director and Protagonist, during the realization of several episodes of “MISSIONE RELITTI - Wreck Mission” (cultural and nature documentaries shot in the most beautiful seas of the world and on wrecks) and BLU (series filmed in the world most exclusive Resorts and in the best crystal clear waters of the globe), Format TV aired on digital terrestrial channels and on satellite channels.