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Vibrant Shadows: The Transgendered Community of Thailand

Vibrant Shadows: The Transgendered Community of Thailand i s a ten minute documentary about Thailand’s infamous sex industry and the transgendered individuals that are oftentimes coerced into working in the industry. Ladyboys, or transgendered Thai women, transition for a number of reasons. More often than not, it is financial pressures that force these ladyboys to work in the prostitution industry-- they are expected to send money home to their families, and are not offered the chances to explore different career paths, but rather restricted to working in the entertainment or prostitution industries. They are often cast aside and ignored as a population, as illustrated by the lack of organizations in place to help them become normal, functioning members of society. Dton Naam is one of the only organizations that works towards providing better opportunities for ladyboys. It takes part in outreach, healing, and job training programs that are aimed at taking down the discriminatory stereotypes that are often associated with ladyboys.

  • Gina P. Sinclair
  • Gina P. Sinclair
  • Gina P. Sinclair
  • Celeste McGee - Founder of Dton Naam
    Key Cast
  • Jojo
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Short, Student
  • Runtime:
    12 minutes 44 seconds
  • Country of Origin:
    Korea, Republic of
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
    English, Thai
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Gina P. Sinclair

Gina Sinclair is a high school senior at Yongsan International School of Seoul. Having lived abroad and in Seoul for most of her life, she has observed firsthand what it means to be the “other,” and why as global citizens we must work towards improving minority relations in discriminatory environments around the world. Her experiences volunteering in Southeast Asian countries have worked to provide support and develop her understanding of the minority groups which spread through both the local and international communities. Specifically, in the spring of 2017 Gina visited Bangkok, Thailand where she volunteered with organizations such as Rahab, Nightlight, and Dton Naam to learn more about and combat the prostitution industry in Thailand. In the future, she would like to study sociology and history.

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