in search of stories
The film is the compilation of four different stories from four different regions of India in four different seasons .each story has the plot develop upon either traditional art or performing form live out by different artisan communities
In all the stories children or adolescent are the protagonists
Project Type:Short Script, Treatment
Number of Pages:8
Country of Origin:India
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
October 17, 2017
Name : Mr Biju Kurup
Date of birth : 30-05-1971
Permanent address : Biju Kurup
Chatampi swami nagar
Medical college-post
Thiruvanathapuram 695011
E-mail-address :
Phone number : 0471-2442154
Mobile No : + 91 9645990293
Educational Qualifications :
1) Bachelor of fine Arts in Art History from M S University
2) Master of fine arts in Art history from M S University of Baroda
3) Three years P.G.diploma in film Editing from Film and Television Institute of
India –Pune
Dissertation Thesis :
1) Titled “seeing but blind”- representation of nationalism in hindi cinema submitted to M.S.U in the year 2000
2) Titled" I edit therefore I am " a comparative study between goya's paintings and visualization of that in film titled goya submitted to film and television institute of india
Teaching experience
Ever since the completion of master degree I have been engaged with teaching as a part time Lecturer and workshop coordinator
At present working as Associate Professor of edit and visual art at L.V.Prsad Film and Television Academy ,Trivandrum
2004 – Conducted a film making workshop for the fine
Art Student of Faculty of Fine Arts in MSU Baroda during
The workshop students are trained in Technical areas of Film Making the final out put was Five Short film in Digital Format and one ten minutes film in super 16 mm format
2010-12 - Worked as a camp Director for Cinema and Visual appreciation camp conducted by Kerala State Chalachitra Akademy
2012- Since the year 2012 working as a visiting faculty at
1-Cochin Media School- Kochi.
2-St Joseph College of Communication- Changanaserry
3 - Chetana Media Centre- Trissure For Cinema and Visual Arts
2013 – Conducted one month long Film appreciation and
Making workshop at MRID a design school of MSU Baroda
2014 - visiting faculty at MRID ,MSU Baroda
2014 - Associate Professor L.V.Prasad ,Trivandrum
2015 - External examiner for undergraduate Visual Art course – Gandhi University
2016 - faculty panel member at performing and visual art center University of Kerala
Print Media
1) Edited a broacher and organized a traveling festival of bauls in kerala in collaboration
with public relation department of kerala in the year 2002 .
2) Edited a booklet for P.R.D. titled ‘monermonush’
3) Worked as a staff correspondent for The Middleast published from delhi
1 ) Curated a package of FTII films in the first asian international students film festival
in 2007
The last ten years work experience in relation with Audiovisual Media Television and Cinema can be briefed as follows
As an Editor
Feature Films
Thakarachenda malayalam feature film directed by avira rebecca in 2006-which wonTwo State Awards
Kaliyorukkam children,s film directed by S . Sunil -Won State Award for best Children's film in 2008
The Waiting Room hindi feature film directed by Maneej Premnad in 2009
Aazan hindi feature film directed by Naveen Latif in 2010
The Wheel hindi feature film directed by Srrenivasa Naidu in 2011
Azeel arabic feature film directed by Khalid Wanjari 2012
Reflecting Her compilation of a docu fiction from India,South Africa ,Keneya, and Poland by four women directors
Vallim Thetty Pullim Thetti – Malayalam feature film directed by Rishi Shivakumar- 2016
Documentaries and short films
There are more than fifty documentaries and thirty short films to the credit most of the documentaries are internationally acclaimed and commissioned by agencies like ..PSBT,UNDP,UNESCO etc as well as television net work like NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY,DISCOVERY etc.
Many of the short films won international awards and shown in major festivals likeBUSAN,ROTTERDAM,MUNICH,BEIJING,MADRID,TELAVIV etc
most of the works are in latest HD formats shot using Red Alexa Canon new generation cameras .
Advertisement films ,animation and spots
Edited more than fifty ads and spot for national and international agencies worked as creative editor for animations made by voyage private limited in mumbai .
As creative consultant
Since 2009 I have been working as a creative consultant for the production of documentaries
corporate films,advertisements films,and spots for madhyam in bhopal ( a madhya pradesh state government film division )..some of the important films made are for madhya pradesh tourism department, madhya pradesh industrial development corporation ,madhya pradesh rural development corporation ..etc
Between the year 2009 to 2011 worked extensively in advertisement as consultant for concept and story board
As writer and editor
Once Upon A Time In a Village is a Marathi fiction edited and written in 2004 directed by Kesab Pandey -shown in beijing and telaviv international film festivals
Sketches of time is a pictorial depiction of adivasi painting of madhya pradesh directed by Rajendra Jangley shown in france ,argentina and spain .
As writer and director
Madcaps and Nomads a musical documentary film on baul singers from santiniketan and their interaction with keralam made in the year 2002.
Frenzy of Goddesses a documentation project on mudiyyatom of keralam for indian foundation for arts in 2003
Bandwallahs a film on prabhat band india's first popular band set of india in 2004
In the year 2012 made an extensive documentation on fifteen contemporary artists for kerala lalitha kala akademy
Along with these there are ten ads and spots for different companies ,agencies and products for national and international clients
Portrait of self –a film on five different kind of image makers
The above are the brief of my work experience
I am looking forward for further correspondence
Thanking You
Biju Kurup
Date : 10th May 2015