A flowing dream

  • Andrea Montalbano
  • Andrea Montalbano
    Name of Band or Artist
  • Genres:
  • Length:
    4 minutes 34 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 20, 2017
  • Country of Origin:
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

Andrea Montalbano (Italy, 1990) graduated with honors at the Conservatory “A. Scontrino” of Trapani in 2009, in the G. Lumetta's clarinet class.
As clarinet player, Andrea attended some masterclasses and
qualified in june 2011 as clarinet teacher at the Conservatory of music "G. B. Martini" of Bologna. During that period Andrea has started his composition activity, writing the first works and in 2014 studied music composition for film at Civic Music School “C. Abbado” in Milan with Franco Piersanti and Sergio Miceli.
As clarinet player, Andrea is active in classical, jazz and contemporary music, working with many composers and musicians to play premieres.
Andrea's compositions have been performed in many events and festivals and have been awarded in National and International composer competitions.
Andrea's work for string quartet entitled “Mirage” is published by “Bèrben – edizioni musicali”.
Andrea is clarinet teacher in the Middle School since 2014.

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