Private Project

The Childish Thing

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

-1 Corinthians 13:11

As Jack leaves the only house he's ever known, he finds out that sometimes, they don't want to be put away.

  • Jeremy Herbert
    Killer Deal
  • Jeremy Herbert
    Killer Deal
  • Morgan McLeod
    Key Cast
    Killer Deal
  • Jenson Strock
    Key Cast
    Killer Deal
  • Deven Fenn
    Key Cast
    Killer Deal
  • Anna Gallucci
    Key Cast
  • Sam Pownell
    Original Score
    Killer Deal
  • Dylan Lusk
  • Jeremy Herbert
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    29 minutes 10 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 12, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    200 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Nightmares Film Festival
    United States
    October 22, 2017
    World Premiere
    Nominated, Best Ohio Short
Director Biography - Jeremy Herbert

Fan of frozen beverages, loud shirts and drive-in movies. Attempted filmmaker. Lover. Not fighter.
Jeremy learned everything he needed to know about the world through a VCR. This is why he still avoids abandoned summer camps and can't do math. Horror wasn't his earliest genre of choice, but it was waiting for him; horror accounted for half of his all-time favorite movie, GHOSTBUSTERS. The other half probably accounts for how he ended up working on a live comedy show in college, where he met the merry band of talented, tolerant friends that would form DANGEROUS DAYS PRODUCTIONS. Named after his first attempt to make a Serious-with-a-capital-S movie, Dangerous Days was the earliest working title for BLADE RUNNER, which he shamelessly ripped off for his first Serious-with-a-capital-S movie. Now, it means something else. Horror has a near-impossible flexibility, more than perhaps any other genre. Metaphors become monsters. Zombies are never just zombies. Ordinary people are tested beyond the limits of rational fear by aliens, vampires and other assorted evils until all that's left is their most primal essence. Horror can say a lot behind the screams. Dangerous Days Productions attempt to do just that, to find fresh angles on scary stories that seem all told out and hide a message among the mayhem. And if that doesn't work, God willing, they're at least occasionally funny. For better or worse, that's his only filmmaking absolute: It doesn't matter what you're saying if it's not entertaining. Whatever project of his you might be watching or reading, he just wants to show you a good time.
And maybe spook you once in a while.

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Director Statement

I've seen this monster before. When I was a kid, I suffered what I'd only later realize were night terrors. And every time I did, I saw it. Bending its neck to fit through a doorway. Curled fingers running along the frame. Six, seven, eight feet tall. Always seemed bigger and meaner than the last time I saw it.

So I dug it up. And all the childhood memories that came with it. Built it to the exact form I remembered, with only a change in the eyes to make it that much creepier. When I first saw it all pieced together on set, I almost dropped the camera.

There it was. My childish thing. Resurrected from my nightmares to tell my story about growing up with a notable absence in the family pictures. You never forget the monster in the closet; it only becomes sillier with time. And while you never forget the loved one lost, they only grow more real.

Hope you enjoy it. This story means a lot to me.