Private Project

All aboard!

All aboard! is an objective presentation of everyday joys and struggles of a group of students in one of the Coimbran Repúblicas. As the movie explains, the Repúblicas are houses shared by self-organised student communities. The director himself had been a member of one of these groups, experimenting the life inside a República first hand.

The movie gives the opportunity to peek into the Republic Prá Kys Tão, into its functional and dysfunctional moments, into its positive and negative aspects. It depicts a wide array of funny and serious situations while following routines and common practices of its inhabitants.

Members of this collective describe with a colourful spectrum of contradictory yet complementary epithets what this community means to them. At the same time, Prá Kys Tão is past, myth, legacy, identity, but also humidity, rain or fleas. It is a place for development, personal discovery and for creating an autonomous community, but it also means crisis and conflicts.

And it is exactly in shading light on these conflicts where the real importance and potential of this movie reside. It could be an inspiration in some cases or a lesson to learn in others.

  • Cristina Cascales
  • Javier J Hedrosa
  • Nuno Miguel Neves
  • Pra-Kys-Tao members
  • Nuno Miguel Neves
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Short
  • Runtime:
    36 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    April 23, 2015
  • Production Budget:
    1,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Mov(i)e Activism
    August 5, 2016
  • Semana cultural UC
    March 27, 2015
  • Mov(i)e Activism II
    June 3, 2017
  • Mov(i)e Activism Berlin Edition
    July 6, 2017
Director Biography - Cristina Cascales, Javier J Hedrosa

He studies in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Cinema and journalism.
Works in different projects as a freelance, like video-clips, shorts, and some essays. In 2015 began his interest in non fiction and documentaries starting the project ''Ao encontro das repúblicas'', shotting with Cristina Cascales his first documentary, called ''A bordo!''
Later his work is related with other disciplines like theater and dance, like ''Un vasco en Sevilla'', piece of the choreographer Mikel del Valle.

She studies Cinema in Universitat de Barcelona. Starts so early her fictions projects like the webserie ''Marina 237'', working as main camera.
In 2013, works as stage-management for Literature Awards Terenci Mos .
In 2015 shotted ''A bordo!'', which was screened in Portugal, Spain, Serbia or Germany.
Nowadays works as Assistant producer in advertising for companies as Coca-cola, Durex or KFC. At the same time she is working for an important program of TV3 (Television of Cataluña) called ''El foraster''. She's also coordinating the project St'Qublack, a Festival of Soul Music in Barcelona.

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