Experiencing Interruptions?

Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy

Interpretation and reflection of the poem Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy by the Russian poet Aleksandr Blok . It was written in October 1912 and it is one of my favorite poems by Blok. The video is as well a experiment for to combine two different ways and styles of interpretation into one film. With urban scencery of St.Petersburg at night and the metaphoric and abtract interpretion of poem by the theater group STAGE DFT (St.Petersburg, Russia). At the same time it´s a hommage to St.Petersburg.
The idea for a visual interpretation I got during a streetcar ride through St. Petersburg late a night.
Aleksander Blok (Александр Блок) (1880-1921) was the foremost of the Russian Symbolists, who changed the face of Russian letters from the late 1890s through until the Russian Revolution, leading Russian literature into a ‘Silver Age’ after the great works of the previous century. Even the poem is very short it is not easy to translate into another langauge. There are various english translation which differ quite a lot from each other .

Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,
a meaningless and dull light
Even if you live another quarter of a century
All will remain the same. There is no exit.
You´ll die - then you´ll begin all over again
Night, the canal´s rippled icy surface
pharmacy, street, lantern

  • Johannes Christopher Gerard
  • Theatergroup DFT STAGE
    Key Cast
  • Alena
    Key Cast
    Love Anticipating You
  • Alena Antonova
    Anticipating You, Love
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short, Other
  • Genres:
    Performance, Urbanity, Russia, Poems, Theater, Poets, Aleksandr Blok, Anna Akhmanova
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 50 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 8, 2017
  • Country of Origin:
    Russian Federation
  • Country of Filming:
    Russian Federation
  • Language:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Johannes Christopher Gerard

Born 1959. Studied at School of Printmaking and Design , Cologne, Germany and at Dun Laogharie School of Art and Design, (IADT) Dublin, Ireland. During his art career lived and worked among others in Ireland, Spain, Argentina, Taiwan, Australia, India and Russia. . Currently lives in Berlin, Germany and The Hague, The Netherlands Since 1981 participation in exhibitions, projects, video/film festivals including : Europe, Far East and South Asia, Australia, North and South Americas and Africa. 2007 photography, installation, printmaking became main disciplines. In 2012 first video installations. In 2014 first video films. At the same time became interested in performance arts. Since than conducted several video and performance collaboration projects with artists from Taiwan, Russia, Netherlands and Germany. 2016 developed together with the theater teacher Denise Dröge a concept for an interdisciplinary and particapatory performance/workshop for school children (Here & Now). In 2017 developed this performance workshop further for adults audience (Unfolded & Unwrapped). In 2016/2017 made a series of videos (Anticipating You) related to the poems of the Russians poets Alexander Blok and Anna Akhmadova.


In-Vision - Festival of Video Art and Creative Film, Dublin, Ireland
Video Art Miden, Kalamata, Greece
Experiments in Cinema - EIC 13.6 (2018), Alberqueque,NM, USA
Visible Poetry Project - National Poetry Month, New York, USA
Yerewan im März, Yervan in March, Goethe Insitute, Yerevan, Armenia
Transposition II , Museum of Non-Confirmist Art, Art Centre Puskinskaya 10, St. Petersburg, Russia
MNMF 2017 - Miami New Media Festival, Artmedia Gallery The Wynwood Building, Miami, FL, USA
IV Muestra de videoarte y video experimental, Bellas Artes, Casa Solaris, Taller 7, Medellín , Columbia
International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain
SUBURBINALE, Gross-Enzendorf, Austria
RichterFest-2017 - Рихтерфест 2017 Science and Art, 105120 Moscow, Russia
CASUS VECTOR Gallery 14/45", Vasilievski Island, St.Petersburg, Russia
FILMIDEO 2017 Index Art Center, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
7th International Video Art Festival FIVAC, Camagüey, Cuba
Out of the Blue, Greylight Projects, Hoensbroek, The Netherlands
Indo-German Art Forum, Arts Acre, Kolkata, India
WOW.01 W:OW Art Film & Video Festival ,Video Vortex XI, Kochi Musiris Biennial 2016/2017, India
@ 10th CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity, (in conjunction with CologneOFF ), Shillong/India
Pop Up Kino 8 # Berlin, Germany and Paris, France
Cinerotic, Detroit, MI, USA
Festival Flamma, Museum De Katakomben, Valkenburg, The Netherlands
Global Village, Litvai Photo Gallery, Landshut, Germany
3 Festival Int. De Video Experimental 2016, Proceso de Error, Valparaíso, Chile
V Int. Festival for Performance Art , PreFoArt 2016, El Parche, Bogota, Columbia
Images contra Nature, Videodrome 2, Marseille, France
Project 1612 Film Festival, Peoria, IL, USA
Hotel Europa, Video Art, Concordia, Enschede, The Netherlands
One Minute Films The New Bohemian Gallery, Brainerd, MN 56401, USA
Lightwork 2016 , Nelson House, Grimpby, Uk
REthink Digital Art Festival, Rethymo Greece
Conqistadores de lo inúti – Borderless samples, Mexico City, Mexico
“Anticipating You” Solo video exhibition, Gallery 2.04 of Art Center Pushkinskaya-10 St.Peterburg, Russsia CODÉC Festival, Centro Cultural Aliac, Mexico City, Mexico
6. FIVAC, Festival Internacional de Video Arte, Camagüey, Cuba
Int. Art Festival R – I am, Paper Factory Areal, Moskau, Russia.
ArtvideoKOELN 01, Cologne, Germany
All That Jazz, Villa Novilla (in conjunction with Kunstfestivals Kunst am Spree Knie), Berlin, Germany Video Festival Images contre Nature, Association P´Silo, Marseille, France
Festival tous courts , Aix-en-Provence, France
Bideodrome, Bilbao, Spain
Silent Crossing Boundaries, Soulangh Cultural Park, Tainan City, Taiwan, (Solo Show)
Filmfestival Berlin-Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany
Medienfestival plattform:[no budget] 2013, Tübingen, Germany / Salon Video, Matters of Method, Iasi, Romania /
IMMAF, France Institute & New Zero Art Space, Yangon, Myanmar /
In Shadow Festival, Lisbon, Portugal

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