OH Shiela

Oh Sheila!!
The girl’s hustler story: A Drama
Written by Danielle Hobbs
“Coldest Winter novel meets Flash Dance”
Where being a leader means having the best of both worlds:
Book and Streets Smarts.

Sheila Marks, child protégé, is in the mist of the change from college girl to young lady. Aspirations of becoming a star dancer following college get a little clouded when she gets into the big bad world. The school Sheila is now in, you can’t read about in a book, it comes from experience.
Last year in college, Sheila gets frustrated with a credit card debt that she has not been able to pay. A fantasy video tempts her into the life of exotic dancing where she can pay off her debts and splurge a little. Addicted to a hustle and bustle lifestyle, Sheila befriends a college mate, Angela and the two girls decide to become a die hard female duo, robbing the exotic clubs blind, and party their lives away. Soon the book smart dancing diva gets disillusioned about her goals in comparison for Angela constant approval. Fortunately, life had enough love for Sheila to turn it all drastically around. After a series of adverse events, living with Angela, Sheila moves in with her sister, a spiritual healer of sorts.
Sheila begins getting back into the motions of what she does best, dancing in classes and teaching. Soon she finds herself surrounded by a different crowd that can see through the illusions of material wealth vs. wealth at a mental and spiritual level. Her sister begins to council Sheila on moving at her own pace into the amazing being that she can be, but warns her of what she is doing to herself at the strip club and having this dis-functional hustling friend only leads her to a dead-end zone.
In the middle of a vacation party trip Sheila experiences Angela over dose on the beach after taking too many bad exctasy pills. Angela tells her the truth about her and why she has always been so wild and hardcore. Sheila goes home after Angela’s death to pursue goals.
“OH SHEILA, let me love you till the morning comes!”

Themes, Ideas, Issues, and Topics brought up in this story:

-The truth about life, and people that come into it.
- Sharing issues of self love a approval vs. outside assurance
- Parental relationships and what roles they play in heir children’s lives.

  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project: