Bird on a Limb
If I could be the bird on the limb
I wonder if Id want to swim
Lord take these wings away from me
And let me dive into the sea
Ill have no need to ever fly again
I could dive into the deep abyss
Swim circles round the jelly fish
See things id never see in the sky
Find creatures in the coral reef
Play peek a boo and hiding seek
With seahorses that I would learn to fly
I would land upon an eagles wings And ride him til the rainbows end
Then dance across the early morning sky
I would flap my until I soar N dive right off a cloudy shore
Then up again to dive once more
Ill have no cares for whats in sore Ill let the wind hold me once more
I just wanna do what I adore
So God if you could grant me wings
So I can fly as your voice sings
I swear ill never ask a thing again
I would never sit upon a limb
Except to rest or dream again
Of the wind I held beneath my wings
As I fly
I would fly
So high
With the clouds rolling by
If I were a bird I would fly
Johnny VannzAuthor
Johnny VannzName of Band or Artist
Project Type:Song
Genres:Folk, rock, country, alternative, americana
Length:3 minutes 52 seconds
Completion Date:June 28, 2016
Country of Origin:United States
Student Project:No
Johnny Vannz is a lifetime Songwriter that has lied beneath the surface, imprisoned by mental illness and a childhood that made him believe he wasn't worth the words he wrote. Through many years, books of trashed lyrics, and a lifetime of struggles, he has been able to fight his way out of the garbage with a guitar, a pad, and a pencil... and in his pockets you will find nothing but the stories of how he's survived it all, the pain he's endured, and everything in between. Johnny's ability to ignore the rules, in light of always making his own way, is the one bit of confidence he is bringing with him. With songs about love, the poor mans life, drugs and dreams; you're sure to find a lick that inspires you to relate to one, or many, of his breathtaking stories. Just search johnny Vannz on the internet (there's only one) and see how a guy from the trailer park can pick you up out of your seat and take you to another world.
My entire life revolves around telling stories. I voluntarily surrended my drivers license so I could slow down and examine the things I feel need explaining. Walk with me. Pay attention. I've got a lot of shit to tell you...