In the year 2075, war between Earth's previous classes had just ended. A trial helping to determine the fate of humanity's two new societies is held in Asteroid Ceres by a group called the “Guard,” that was formed by both sides to keep the peace and perform deep space rescues. We intercut between the judge, ambassadors from both societies, and a computer recreation of the events in question. It appears after the war ended, both sides were still complicit in trying to annihilate the other. The Guard, made up of members from both sides of the war who hated each other, are forced to work together as they face the threats of splinter groups trying to destroy them and Humankind's future.
Kevin Stuart BirnbaumDirectorOut West, Vegas Date, Justice be Damned
Kevin BirnbaumWriterOut West, Vegas Date, Justice be Damned
Richard WatkinsProducer
Rich HenrichProducerSerpent in the Bottle, Interlude City of a Dead Woman
Kevin BirnbaumProducerJustice be Damned, Vegas Date
Carlos GallardoKey CastEl Mariachi, Desperado, Bandito, Curandero, Bandido
Silvia SuvadovaKey CastKolja, Violent Blue, Polaski, Behaving Badly
Project Type:Feature
Genres:Science Fiction, drama, political science fiction, war, space exploration
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Completion Date:February 27, 2017
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
World PremiereDallas
United States
February 27, 2017
World Premiere
Born in Brooklyn, NY, Kevin has been a writer, filmmaker, graphic artist and novelist for the past 30 years. His other films are the cult supernatural western "Justice Be Damned" and a mockumentary called "Vegas Date." His novel, "White Horse," about a Russian spy trying to hijack a space shuttle, is available on His IMDB information is here:
"No one is going to be as passionate about your creation then you. If you're not its number one cheerleader, move on to something else."