Experiencing Interruptions?


- Mr. Hitchcock, what is your definition of happiness?
- A clear horizon — nothing to worry about on your plate, only things that are creative and not destructive and that's withing yourself. Within me I can’t bear quarreling, I can’t bear feelings between people. I think hatred is wasted energy and it’s all non-productive.

Happiness is a critically conformist category. In psychoanalysis, there is an assertion that in fact people do not want to be happy. It's difficult to disagree with this. Let's be serious: people refuse it in favor of some other values (for the sake of money, fleeting comfort, alcohol, loneliness). They make themselves miserable for the sake of certain contingent gains. People are unhappy not because something prevents them from being happy or they do not know how to be, but because in reality, in life other values have more influence on them.
In different periods of life, our idea of happiness changes its appearance. It grows up and develops with us. In childhood and adolescence, we want to become famous, express ourselves, open up from the creative side, achieve recognition, universal love. We want to be the first. Without competition and self-affirmation we get bored. We think that happiness is to be rich, not to deny yourself in anything, to be admired, not to depend on anyone, to be the best. We are striving for this happiness. But when it is at our feet, the flashes of euphoria are replaced by long-term spots, filled with dissatisfaction and the search for new "stimulants".
The problem is that we are used to think in patterns. At school, we are convinced that happiness is always the same for everyone, a standard set of services and things that bring ephemeral pleasure. We are sold a deceptive and indisputably beautiful idea of it. And we willingly buy the illusion itself, because it is impossible to buy happiness, as the classic said, what you can buy is already cheap. That’s why the Modern world trades this concept everywhere. Do you want to be cool in the eyes of girls? They will teach you how to get acquainted and seduce them. Do you want family happiness? Psychologists will show you how to build relationships, properly educate children, live in the family. Nothing is required from you at all. The algorithm for building happiness has long been prescribed: "All happy families are the same." You just need to take a ready-made model and enjoy. You do not have to grab the stars from the sky. Absolutely everyone can do this. There is nothing easier than to achieve happiness.
But there is no happiness. It is everywhere and nowhere. This is not something that you can point your finger at. And at the same time, in order to find happiness is enough to look around. At any time, in any place, in any even the most difficult life situation, every person has everything to feel happy. No need to go anywhere - it's already here! Human thought makes it material, not money, not the weather, and not even moralizing at seminars about building a happy family.
Seriously. We are forlorn not because of the absence of something, but because of the throwing of a restless, cowardly mind that constantly compares the current situation with what others have, with what is "generally accepted" for happiness.
To find happiness, you must abandon it.
Happiness is nothing!

  • Nataliya Ivanova
  • Nikita Demydko
  • Vladislav Plisetsky
    Key Cast
  • Natasha Telly
    Key Cast
  • Artem Kabanov
    Key Cast
  • Vita Mikhnenko
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video, Short, Web / New Media
  • Runtime:
    2 minutes 3 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 1, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    200 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Blackmagic Design URSA Mini 4K
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Fashion Film Festival Milano
    September 23, 2017
    Official Selection
Director - Nataliya Ivanova, Nikita Demydko