The film, taken from Giuseppe Brancale's novel, tells the difficult life of Giuseppe Prestone, and the communité of which he is part, Migalli, an imaginary country of Basilicata (south of Italy), from 1860 to 1887 .
The point of view is that of the last, that history has suffered rather than doing it, often finding a way out of brigand or emigration.
The Prestone, paying in person, will find a third way.
"Reflecting on the lesson of our neorealist cinema," Brancale explains, "especially to the" Terra Trema 'de Visconti "," Bandito Giuliano "of Rosi and some documentaries of De Seta, I wanted to turn the film in dialecte to make greater, if possible, adherence to earth and to facts reported. "
Simone Castano, Erminio Truncellito, Giorgia Masseroni, Valentina D'Andrea, Camillo Ciorciaro,
Directed by Giovanni Brancale
Director of photography and editing Francesco Ritondale
Gaetano Russo screenplay
Giovanni BrancaleDirectorDirector
Giovanni BrancaleWriter
Estravago FilmProducer
Simone CastanoKey CastACTOR (Prestone)
Francesco RItondaleKey CastDOP EDITING
Gaetano RussoKey Castscenography
Erminio TruncellitoKey CastACTOR (Lo Sciacallo)
Valentina D`AndreaKey CastActor (Lucia)
Camillo CiorciaroKey CastACTOR (Mascarella)
Project Type:Feature
Genres:Romance, Drama, Historical, Italy, brootherood, human right
Runtime:1 hour 39 minutes
Completion Date:June 1, 2017
Production Budget:100,000 USD
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:digital 1080p 35
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film FestivalLOS ANGELES
United States
September 30, 2017