Angela Speranza (36) is a former commissioner downgraded to the road section following an accident in which her son Edo was killed (4)
The story actually destroys her marriage to Mauro, a geriatrician, with whom she continues to have a relationship of a sexual nature only.
When Leo Lorenzetti (32), deputy commissioner with an unbridled passion for acting, asks her to help solve the case of a man found in pieces, her reticence collapses and her thirst for revenge
takes over, discovering unexpected coincidences with the death of his son by investigating the case of the man in pieces.
Project Type:Screenplay, Short Script, Treatment, Other
Number of Pages:86
Country of Origin:Italy
Language:English, Italian
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
The authors
November 2012 "... Passiones anthology of verses collected by the wind"
July 2013 "A light heart ..." ArtisticaEdizioni novel
December 2014 "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath - Tribute to the
deadly sins" Leonidas Editions
March 2015 cinematic writing course ASCI School Cinema Naples
From 2015 collaboration with Antonio Manco for screenplay for a
feature film inspired by the stories of Peppe Lanzetta in "The Island of the females"
March 2016 "Waterhole" - Leonidas novel published by Editions
Writing text dramaturgical "sails to the south", music and directed by Gennaro Monti represented during the exhibition Theater in green-Villa Floridiana (July 2012)
Collaboration script for "tiptoe", an independent feature film
From 2013 he collaborates with a creative writing workshop in Naples "home Maga"
March 2015 cinematic writing course ASCI School Cinema Naples
July 2014 "Fisherman" - poetry anthology ArtisticaEdizioni
From 2015 collaboration with Antonio Manco for screenplay for a
feature film inspired by the stories of Peppe Lanzetta in "The Islandof the females"
We made the draft for the script and now we are in contact whith some producers to discuss the possible execution.