Private Project

phase three "being old .... no idea"

The video want´s to deny the timeline and the linear perception of time in film. It takes place on a plateau and an animated camera performs the cuts of the video by moving from clip to cilp.
Eight people of different ages (14-92yrs) speak about their perception of growing old.

Since my process of production is 100% digital I see no need to pretend I am still working with celluloid and I want to free myself from the dominance of the timeline. What happens, if I build a video on a plane/plateau, rather than on a timeline. How does the perception of time and also the perception of the video itself changes?

The video is built in Adobe After Effects on 48 Layers. So it it rather a vertical than a horizontal video.

  • Swantje Uphoff
  • Volker Wendisch
    sound design/sound editing
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Phase drei "alt sein ... keine Ahnung"
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Experimental
  • Runtime:
    15 minutes 30 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 31, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    600 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Mini DV
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Swantje Uphoff
Distribution Information
  • Swantje Uphoff
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Swantje Uphoff

since 2000
owner of the video production company Swantje Uphoff,
producing mainly image films for NPOs and science films

Diploma AA at the Architectural Association in
London; Tutor: David Greene;Filmunit of Pascal Schöning and Nina Danino
Vordiplom and parts of the Hauptdiplom of Architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin
Abitur at the Christianeum in Hamburg

Phase drei „alt sein ... keine Ahnung“ (phase three „Being old .... no idea“) animated documetary 15:30 min.
Eigenarten (their way)
portrait of young people with disabilities, Schottland
documentary, 6:00 min.; shown at the exhibition take two, Berlin Friedrichshain
Punks am Alex (punks/Alexanderplatz)
three punks talking to each other; and one dog
documentary, 2:30 min.
Krötenwanderung 2 (toad migration 2)
animation, 2:00 min.
Kötenwanderung 1 (toad migration 1)
animation, loop
shown at the exhibition Videoidyll, Staatsbank , Bln Mitte
Hotspot - urban videoinstallation integrating the LED-videodisplay in front of Galeries Lafayettes
kleine Wahrheiten (little truths)
two video sculptures shown at the exhibition OBZONE, Haus des Lehrers, Berlin

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Director Statement

As video makers we deal with time. But there shouldn't be a restriction of a timeline on top. So fuck the timeline and let´s pretend to build videos without it.