What is the force that drives artists to express themselves and their art? This documentary film follows a Yorkshire-born Asian singer and dancer as he attempts to bring his own unique take on popular culture to the London stage through his own dance show.
Mark NorfolkDirectorShadow Gene, Ham & The Piper, Crossing Bridges
Mark NorfolkProducer
Aamar ButtProducer
Aamar ButtKey CastLove Is Not Enough
Cate BrickKey Cast
Marc SmithKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:30 minutes
Completion Date:July 17, 2017
Production Budget:0 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:Video/Super 8mm
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Prussia lane Productions LtdCountry: United KingdomRights: All Rights
Mark studied Avant-garde Film at the University of Wales College, Cardiff. His award winning films Shadow Gene, Ham & The Piper, Crossing Bridges and Love Is Not Enough.
I initially worked on making this film over twenty years ago. Circumstances meant I had to put it on hold and during the interim went on to make several films. I stumbled on the rushes in February when I finally repaired an old mac computer and found the project files intact on the hard drive. It wasn't easy as technology has moved on leaps and bounds since then but I enjoyed putting the documentary together and at the same time, re-immerse myself in memories.