A short stop-motion film about the growing friendship between a young boy and the homeless woman he passes on the street every day. The story is set in Krakow, Poland, where the inspiration for the narrative took place. As well as writing, animating, filming, lighting, and editing the film, director Alice-Rose Parker built everything you see in this film from scratch, from the streetlamps right down to the doorknobs. The entire film took around 3 months to create and is Alice-Rose's first stop-motion film.
Alice Rose ParkerDirector
Alice Rose ParkerWriter
Alice Rose ParkerProducer
Lucy ParkerKey Cast
James FawcettMusic
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short, Student
Genres:Children's, Emotional
Runtime:3 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:June 2, 2017
Production Budget:500 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Alice-Rose is a recent Motion Graphics graduate from Ravensbourne University with a passion for storytelling. She is 22 years old and grew up in Berkshire but moved to London to study and pursue a career in animation. Since she was a child she has been in complete awe of animated films, watching them over and over again trying to figure out how they were created, so going to university and learning how to animate has been a very exciting and rewarding experience for her. She enjoys experimenting with different styles of animation in particular; hand drawn frame-by-frame animation, 2D animation, and stop-motion. She hopes to one-day land her dream job creating beautiful stop-motion animations just like the ones created by her idols; Aardman Animations, Laika Studios, and Tim Burton.
This was my first time making a stop-motion film and I enjoyed every single minute of it. I got the inspiration for the narrative while in Krakow, Poland, after seeing a little girl give all her money to an old homeless lady. This lead me to design each building of the set to look like stylized versions of real buildings in Krakow.