2 foolish writers
© 2017 All rights belong to Jane Dabish
CC is a writer, comedian and co partners up with Melanie in regarding creating a play, and Melanie becomes her muse to write even more. While CC does comedy she also gathers ideas by working with her puppet. CC at times feels annoyed by Melanie and goes in for therapy, and also speaks to Tom. Do they ever finish writing the play together or irritate each other as partners in the first place? You'll have to watch 2 foolish writers to find out more.
Jane DabishDirectorstrugglig to Make a Dollar, Never Limit Yourself
Jane DabishProducerProducer
Kevin R. AllenProducerExcecutive Producer
Bill EdwardsProducerProducer
Megan CaldwellKey CastMelanie
Melisa SandlinKey CastCC
clifford GroatKey CastTom
Chris EwingKey Casttheatre Director
Runtime:4 minutes 4 seconds
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Made a variety of different films.
I see you Awards’ Aug. 24th 2017
“Struggling To Make A Dollar”. Got best picture and two actresses in it got nominated.
Never Limit Yourself”
Check out the trailer let me know what you think?
We are seeking film distribution so if your company is interested in purchasing films that people can relate to. All you have to do is e mail actorswill215@gmail.com (on the subject please) indicate films)
(To receive a screener copy or you can see "Struggling to make a dollar" and Never Limit Yourself" on film Freeway.
Currently in post “2 Foolish Writers” We will screen it Fri. Oct. 20th 2017
To find out more about the screening, just go to Jane Dab by clicking into my timeline.
Everything is a dream until you make it reality.