Gives You the Shivers

Gives You the Shivers

lying with your ghost lover
under the night sky
all lit-up under a black moon
it’s good to just lie
and the rush is just
so very cold and wet
on the banks of a river it
gives you the shivers

you watch him hovering as
time it rushes past
I don’t ever know where it goes
in the space so vast
but I see him above
clear against a black sky
his life was such a sliver it
gives you the shivers

lying with your ghost lover
under the night sky
all lit-up by a black moon
it’s good to just lie
and the rush is just
oh, he showed me that
on the banks of a cold river
love is a giver

at first I was afraid, but
he said, “don’t worry
it’s only water
and it would never hurt you”

  • Cyndi Cresswell Cook
  • Cyndi Cresswell Cook
    Name of Band or Artist
  • Project Type:
  • Length:
    2 minutes 47 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 15, 2017
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Student Project:
  • ASA finalist
Artist Biography

Cyndi Cresswell Cook’s songs are in a variety of genres: jazz, alternate rock, 50’s rock,

pop, country, and other genres that are uniquely her own.

Cyndi was a finalist in the 2016 American Songwriters Awards. Also, her song, Zombie

Wonderland, was picked up by Alan

Cross for his 2015 Christmas addition of his popular syndicated radio show, The

Ongoing History of New Music ( episode 739). She has been on his web-site three times so far

with her songs: Meds, Zombie Wonderland, and Pre Op Mama in Striped Pajamas. Her album,

Cloud, was also reviewed on the blog, Miss Dorothy’s and her video, Pre Op Mama has

appeared on Gender Society and their magazine, Frock.

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Artist Statement

Cyndi could be known as an Avant-guard beat-style poet. Her songs are a collection that slaps the listener from explosive rampancy, like on “Placebo Effect” to lotus-like lyricism on “Would You Tune my Air Guitar” and then back again. “Zombie Wonderland” pounds rhythmically, while the lyrics alone are enough to transport one into another state of mind. The guitar-laden music drives and swoops, undulates and screams, while Cyndi comforts and terrorizes between the sacred and the depraved spirit, the hungering body and the soaring heart.