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Doodle Time

Doodle Time is digital preschool content for a new generation! Each episode features lovable puppets, animation, and live actors, who do everything from nursery rhyme sing-a-longs, word of the day videos, to parody songs that will make kids laugh and learn!

  • Jose Luis Martinez
  • Jose Luis Martinez
  • Alex Pereira
  • Jose Luis Martinez
  • Paul Louis
    Key Cast
  • Clay Cartland
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Web / New Media
  • Genres:
    Comedy, learning, Educational, Web Series, preschool, episodic, puppets
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 18 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 3, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    120,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Jabberwocky, LLC
    Country: United States
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Jose Luis Martinez

Jose Luis Martinez began his career as a booking agent for South Florida talent over twelve years ago in Miami Beach, FL. After a transition to Los Angeles, he worked on a motion picture production desk at what is now ICM Partners, one of the premiere global talent agencies in the entertainment industry. Upon returning to Miami, Mr. Martinez was involved with the Miami International Film Festival (MIFF) to help plan and execute its 25th anniversary edition; an eleven-day event that featured world premieres and A-list talent. He went on to become the Creative Director of the Miami World Cinema Center, where Mr. Martinez also holds various producing titles on several independent feature films, including #EM3, URBAN STORIES, THE HOLDERS, and CHRONIC LOVE, which have premiered at multiple international film festivals such as Miami International FF, Marbella, and South by Southwest. He went on to direct Communications & Media for the FHRC which launched an ambitious digital media project, Connect Cuba, a campaign to bring greater internet connectivity and human rights awareness to the island. Since 2010, through his work with the Miami Media & Film Market (MMFM), a yearly industry event hosted by CAMACOL, the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the US and its Hemispheric Congress, Mr. Martinez has created, organized, and moderated panels with a wide cross section of entertainment and media professionals from around the world. He is currently Executive Producer for Atomic Digital Media, a new type of content company which is producing and acquiring hundreds of hours of quality children’s content for a unique online space. Mr. Martinez graduated cum laude from the University of Miami’s School of Communication, majoring in Motion Pictures and Theater Arts.

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Director Statement

The vision for Doodle Time was to create a fun, engaging, and educational preschool show for the digital age. The web series packs tons of great preschool content into a short format along with memorable characters designed to engage and teach kids simple lessons and concepts in the most entertaining way possible. The show is meant to pick-up where the "great ones" such as Sesame Street left off, and help continue to carry the mantle of high quality content for kids being raised in our hyper-connected world.