Picture Day
Derek, a high school senior, decides to reveal his true self on senior picture day. Summoning his own courage, seeking his parents' approval, and finally enjoying his friends' unremarkable acceptance are signposts on this short journey from hesitation to empowerment.
Todd RimesWriter
Angela McCraeDirectorWhere Is Beauty, Fiorella
Angela McCraeProducerWhere Is Beauty, The BFF Chronicles, Fiorella
Todd RimesProducer
Ezequiel de CastillaKey Cast
Kylin TraylorKey Cast
Joseph De LunaKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Teen, Transgender, LGBTQ
Runtime:4 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:May 7, 2017
Production Budget:1,200 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:iPhone 7 Plus
Aspect Ratio:21:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
AT&T Los Angeles Create-A-ThonLos Angeles
United States
May 7, 2017
Second Place
Angela McCrae is a director and media expert with over 15 years working experience in broadcast news, television production and most recently independent film. She launched her career in television as an audio engineer in Baltimore, MD during her junior year at Morgan State University. Ms. McCrae has taught television production at the Baltimore School for the Arts and Connecticut School of Broadcasting. She recently formed Mama-Sans Entertainment, LLC. as a platform to develop film projects and innovative trans-media content providing an alternative perspective of femininity, culture and social issues.