QUEST for the Crystal
One of the crystals is missing, and its been replaced with a walnut!
The resulting QUEST forms the bite-sized whirlwind narrative of my senior thesis film, completed in April 2017 at the Rhode Island School of Design. Mediums include hand drawn animation, clay, stop motion, cardboard puppets, and live action green screen, all composited using After Effects.
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Music Video, Short, Student
Runtime:4 minutes 10 seconds
Completion Date:April 30, 2017
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Rhode Island School of Design Film/Animation/Video Senior ShowProvidence
United States
May 11, 2017
Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area. Enjoys singing loud songs walking down an empty Providence street. Fueled by coffee and the great outdoors. Wants to come back as an ant. Really into Sharpie markers.
For my senior thesis, my goal was to find a method of filmmaking that could be sustain my enthusiasm throughout the entire year. I spent the fall semester coming up with a story that could act as a framework for all the different material experiments I wanted to try. During the spring, I built each scene shot by shot, creating the visual assets by hand and compositing them in After Effects, changing mediums whenever I got bored.