A poor Farmer's Family.Two son of a farmer wants to eat hilsa fish every new year.The poor farmer promise every year. but he can't. The two son believe that,one day they will eat hilsa fish like other bengali peoples.
Rudroneel AhmedDirector
Rudroneel AhmedWriter
Imran HossenProducer
Nazmus Sakib Rubel,Mousumee Mou,Jibon, SazzadKey Cast
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Runtime:7 minutes 59 seconds
Completion Date:April 14, 2017
Production Budget:40 USD
Country of Origin:Bangladesh
Country of Filming:Bangladesh
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Father: Md. Fazlur Rahman
Fathers Occupation: Farming
Date Of Birth: 14 February, 1997
Department Of philosophy
Honours First Year
Jahangirnagar University
Live To Love
Live To Making Film