Dikh me akjenda - Look through my eyes - WORK IN PROGRESS!!
Young Roma and non-Roma from Germany, Kosovo and Romania meet for two weeks in Prizren, Kosovo, in order to explore the view of society on Roma people. But what they find out is more about themselves: How do they feel about being Roma or about gaining new Roma friends, about the vision of a racism free society and about their own contribution to this utopic idea.
(This film is a work-in-progress version. The final version will be uploaded by April, 23 2017.)
Hamze BytyciDirector
Clio FlegoDirector
Otto ReuschelDirector
Sergi Sánchez RodriguezDirector
Hamze BytyciProducer
Veronika PatočkováProducer
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Student
Runtime:10 minutes 43 seconds
Completion Date:April 22, 2017
Production Budget:7,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Kosovo
Language:Albanian, English
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes